Urgent: Democrats are now demanding that the GOP give the Deep State control over Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation!
From the moment that Donald Trump announced Brett Kavanaugh's nomination, the Left promised to stall and delay everything they possibly could.
Last week, we saw the GOP cave to their demands and authorize a one-week supplemental background check into…
Today's Action Alerts
During the National Rifle Association's annual meeting this past April, Mitch McConnell made a promise: The Senate would vote on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act before the midterm elections.
As you know, this legislation would require that all fifty states start treating concealed carry permits the same way they treat driver's licenses: if you are…
I have never been more ashamed of the Republican Party. After securing the votes to move Brett Kavanaugh's nomination out of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Jeff Flake decided to leave the hearing room. He went to a small adjacent room and asked all of the Democrats to join hi.
There, this lame duck Senator decided…
We spent all day yesterday watching the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. Like so many people, I choked up watching Brett Kavanaugh give his opening statement, especially when he told the story of his 10 year old daughter asking to pray for his accuser.
But while all of this was going on, Paul Ryan was doing something…
The Democrats know this is their last chance. If Brett Kavanaugh reaches the Supreme Court, their dreams of forcing liberalism onto the American people through the Judiciary will evaporate.
If he is confirmed, we will see conservative rulings on immigration, the 2nd amendment, pro-life issues, labor disputes, and a host of other issues. For years,…
The Senate just passed a massive "cromnibus" spending bill. Instead of passing new spending packages for 2019 as Pres. Trump demanded, they are passing a gigantic 855 billion spending bill that merely continues last year's spending levels.
What that means is that every single appropriation package that governed Federal spending this past year will do…
Senate Republicans have bent over backwards to try to accommodate Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh's "accuser."
They relented and agreed to let her testify before the committee on Thursday, the day she wanted.
But now, less than 48 hours away from that hearing, Ford's lawyers just sent Chairman Chuck Grassley a letter warning that she…
Breaking: Top GOPers just got caught trying to sneak a massive Democrat spending package through that not only fully funds Planned Parenthood and the UN, but bans a border wall from ever being built! The Framers gave Congress the "power of the purse" for a reason. Congress gets to decide how taxpayer funds are used…
Breaking News: The #2 in the Justice Department was just caught trying to remove Trump from office! We've been saying it for months. The Deep State's goal isn't just to stop Pres. Trump from implementing conservative policies... They want to remove him from office entirely.
Yesterday, the New York Times came out with a bombshell…
Deep State officials just informed the President they will NOT obey his order to declassify the Russia documents. When President Trump ordered the Deep State to release all of their classified Russia witch hunt documents, he demanded "immediate declassification." As President, Trump is the top classification authority in the country. His orders are not subject…