Breaking News: The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has officially upheld President Trump's Protect Life rule and cut almost ALL of Planned Parenthood's funding!
When I saw the news, I asked my wife to pinch me because I thought I surely had to be dreaming.
As we reported recently, Donald Trump has officially flipped the…
Today's Action Alerts
Over the weekend, the Supreme Court came back with an amazing ruling. The Court ruled 5-4 that the President can move forward with his new public charge rule.
The new immigration rule is simple. In order for an immigrant to become a permanent resident (receive a green card), they need to be self-sufficient. Any immigrant…
We live in a free country. Democrats have every right to complain about Donald Trump's policies. And as we have seen recently, if the Left is angry enough, they can even impeach him over it...
But there is a line that the Democrats are not allowed to cross. They cannot legally undermine the President when…
This week marks one year since the Democrats began their push to revamp the nation's gun laws and finally give the government the power to create a registry of American gun owners.
This registry is central to their end goal: total and complete civilian disarmament. Without a registry, the government can never know who owns…
For months, we have been warning that Congressional Democrats and Republicans are planning to surrender to the UN and return to Obama-level foreign aid funding levels.
This past week, we reported that Donald Trump had submitted his spending plan to Congress and notified them that he plans to CUT funding from the United Nations and…
President Trump has released his budget, and he is finally taking the fight to the United Nations!
Trump's plan cuts 41 billion in foreign aid and would reduce the State Department's budget by over 3 billion. But here is the real kicker: funding for international organizations like the United Nations would be practically eliminated.
This is amazing. Last year, after Nancy Pelosi blocked legislation designed to fund the border wall, President Trump took actions into his own hands. He used his authority under the National Emergencies Act to reprogram 6.1 billion in Pentagon funding and moved it over to kickstart border wall construction.
Republicans were furious. Two dozen GOPers…
We covered this story when it first broke, but I wanted to give you an update. Jon Carpenter, the veteran who was disarmed under Florida's red flag law because of a case of mistaken identity, has finally gotten his rights back. But it wasn't easy...
Last year, Carpenter received a certified letter from the Florida Department of…
As we reported, Mitch McConnell took to the floor this week and filed to officially hold a vote on one of the biggest pro-life bills ever, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This legislation, quite simply, will make it illegal to abort an unborn child after 20-weeks, the point when a developing baby develops…
Reality is starting to set-in for Leftists. They are realizing that we are getting closer and closer to the Supreme Court issuing its final ruling on Barack Obama's illegal alien amnesty executive order. Instead of celebrating, the cowards in the GOP are now asking Democrats for an amnesty "compromise."
Here we are, on the eve…