Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed Nancy Pelosi's 1,800+ page stimulus bill, the ridiculously-named "Heroes Act." But only just barely...
We mobilized hundreds of thousands of Conservatives to fight back. The final vote ended up being 208-199. It only passed with a 9 vote margin because 14 Democrats ended up flipping and voting against it.…
Today's Action Alerts
Today is the day! Congress will officially vote on the so-called Heroes Act, a 3 Trillion piece of legislation packed to the brim with leftist spending agenda items.
We have gone over just how radical the bill is. It would give bonuses, stimulus checks, and amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. It would force States…
Pelosi has officially unveiled her party's 3 Trillion coronavirus bailout bill and... it is worse than we ever thought possible.
Her party wrote this bill in secret, behind closed doors, and packed it full of Leftist agenda items. Democrats promised that they would not let the coronavirus crisis go to waste, and they are making…
Last week, we learned for the first time that Barack H. Obama was in the room when the Michael Flynn investigation was being discussed. Not only that, but it was actually Barack Obama who told Sally Yates to look into Flynn's call. The President knew about Flynn's phone call before the Deputy Attorney General even…
Conservatives in Congress are pushing to make Trump's immigration shutdown permanent, but Democrats are scrambling to stop them! 1 in every 5 Americans are now unemployed. You have to go all the way back to the Great Depression to find a time when more Americans were out of work...
Last month, President Trump authorized a…
This is so despicable.
As we have reported, the United Nations is lobbying Congressional Democrats to give them more taxpayer funds. The UN claims that the additional funding is necessary so that they can fund the World Health Organization (which is part of the United Nations).
President Trump cut the W.H.O.'s funding after they were…
For years -- literally for years -- we have been asking a very simple question: What did Obama know about the Trump-Russia witch hunt, and when did he know it?
It was obvious that he knew something. On inauguration day, just minutes before being removed from the White House email system, Susan Rice sent herself an…
This is stunning. Read this statement that just came out of Chuck Schumer's mouth.
"You know, he's now blaming China. Well, guess what, Mr. President, it doesn't -- even if it came from China, even if it came from China only, why didn't you do something about it???"
Absolutely stunning. When Trump announced his travel…
Mitch McConnell has just informed Nancy Pelosi that the Senate will not vote on any stimulus package that includes Leftist pet projects. If Democrats try to sneak non-Covid spending projects into the bill, McConnell says he will shoot it down!
Obviously, we will need to keep an eye on the GOP. They have made these…
Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow Congress to come back into session. Instead, she is working with the leaders and leftists in her party to craft a 1 Trilliond ollar coronavirus relief bill behind closed doors.
Only once that legislation is finished will she call Congress back into session and when that happens, she plans to…