Democrats in Congress want to amend the cybersecurity bill to include anti-gun provisions.
President Obama and the Democrats are launching a simultaneous attack on your freedoms.
The rights given to you by the United States Constitution are under attack; specifically, your First, Second and Fourth Amendment freedoms.
Eager to put all functions of society under government control,…
Today's Action Alerts
Conservative Daily has made you aware that during the month of July in New York, the United Nations has been negotiating an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) that will eliminate your Second Amendment rights and eventually require gun registration all across the United States.
The day has arrived. A draft of the treaty was leaked yesterday. Even…
“The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the revolution.” – Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography
In order to put sanity back into government and take back the power of…
President Obama has vowed to sign an international gun control treaty on this Friday, July 27th.
The United Nations has been working behind closed doors since July 2nd on their Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), supported by Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Iran, of all nations, is overseeing the negotiations.
Once it is signed, it…
Click here to tell Congress to legislatively veto Obama’s power grab and demand a Congressional Special Investigation of the Executive Branch
How many laws can a President openly defy before he must be referred to as a tyrant and a felon? President Barrack Hussien Obama has once again gone rogue; he is ignoring congressionally mandated…
On June 28, 2012 Eric Holder became the first sitting U.S. Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress.
His role in the about the botched Fast and Furious operation that claimed the lives of American border patrol agents was exposed by grassroots activists like you, who demanded the truth;…
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." -Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
The United Nations wants to REGISTER … BAN … and CONFISCATE your private firearms.
For many years, the globalists, socialists and…
The United Nations is Meeting in New York RIGHT NOW To Dismantle U.S. Gun Rights
Action is needed on Senate bill to save our freedoms, even if treaty is signed
Click here to fax Congress Now!
Conservative Daily has made you aware that this month in New York, the United Nations is negotiating an Arms…
Stop the Obamacare juggernaut now before we bankrupt our country, corrupt our government, and destroy our liberty!
Click HERE to tell Congress to repeal Obamacare
As you have probably heard by now, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better known as Obamacare) on a 5-4 vote. While the…
Congress Continues To Wage War In The Media Over Holder
Attorney General's future by no means certain as remedies still exist for activists
Click Here to Fax Congress Now!
It was mere hours following late June's historic vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress that…