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Today's Action Alerts

Obama’s Gone But There Is Still An Innocent Soldier Behind Bars
Fellow Conservative, By now, you know about Army First Lieutenant Clint Lorance’s story. When a motorcycle barreling towards his men refused to stop, Lt. Lorance instructed his men to open fire. There were three men on the motorcycle. Two were killed and one escaped on foot. The Military went after Lt. Lorance and charged him with murder because…
Shock: Republican Votes Aren’t There to Invoke Nuclear Option
Fellow Conservative, The Democrats are filibustering Neil Gorsuch. It was announced today that they have sufficient numbers to block a final vote under the current rules. So far, just two Senate Democrats have agreed to vote for Gorsuch: Senators Manchin (WV) and Heitkamp (ND). They’re up for re-election in 2018 in states that Trump won in…
Yes! Congress is Going After Liberal Activist Judges
On Thursday, Congress began considering legislation that would dismantle the liberal 9th Circuit Court. The United States is broken up into 11 Circuits. Each Circuit typically presides over 5%-10% of the American population. The 9th Circuit Court, however, encompasses 9 states and two territories. When the 9th Circuit was created in 1891, it included six…
Yes, the Obama Administration Spied on Donald Trump
Fellow Conservative, We have known for weeks that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump Presidential campaign. This isn't news. When the phony Trump “dossier” was published on Buzzfeed, it was revealed that Obama’s DOJ sought a FISA wiretap for Trump and his campaign associates. The Democrats are trying to distract the American people…
Heartbreak: Sanctuary Cities Killed At Least 5 People This Month
Fellow Conservative, The state of the union is chaos. All across this country, states and cities are refusing to cooperate with Federal immigration authorities. The result is that innocent Americans are being killed. At least five innocent people were killed this month alone because of local sanctuary city policies. In Denver, the County Sheriff refused…
Breaking: Rogue Border Patrol Agents Continue Obama’s Catch + Release
Fellow Conservative, One of President Trump’s first executive orders was to end an Obama policy known as “catch and release.” For years, when an illegal alien was apprehended in the border region, they would be given a “notice to appear” in court and then be allowed to disappear into American society. Not surprisingly, more than…
Yes, this Army Lieutenant Deserves to be Pardoned
Fellow Conservative, Here at Conservative Daily, we always seek to shine a light on men and women in uniform who are being unfairly treated. We sent close to a million faxes to Congress when the Obama administration threatened to involuntarily discharge Sgt. Charles Martland for shoving an Afghan rapist. When a judge threatened to take…
Breaking: Legislation Introduced to Completely Defund the United Nations!
Fellow Conservative, It’s working. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL) has introduced H.R. 193, the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” to formally cut the financial ties between the United States and the United Nations. This development is so recent that Congress hasn’t even published this year’s version of the legislation. But if it is anything like last year’s…
Treason: Obama Releasing Terrorists Who Promised to Behead Americans
Fellow Conservative, It is official. Barack Obama’s White House Press Secretary has confirmed that more terrorists will be released from Guantanamo over the next 12 days. “I am not able to speak to any specific detainee transfers between now and January 20th other than to confirm for you that there are likely to be some,”…

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