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The Constitution

Bombshell: Eric Holder’s DOJ Participated in IRS Scandal!
Dear Conservative, The IRS targeting scandal goes much deeper than anyone imagined! Last week, it was revealed that Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Government Oversight Committee, was instrumental in urging Lois Lerner to target conservative non-profit groups. This explains a lot, considering how Elijah Cummings was doing everything in…
Breaking: Fast and Furious Guns Found in Texas, New Mexico!
Dear Conservative, Every single Obama appointee who is caught committing a crime must be impeached, convicted, imprisoned, and left to rot! There can be absolutely no alternative. Attorney General Eric Holder’s role in the botched gun running mission, Operation Fast and Furious, has to be at the top of that list! He must be impeached…
Breaking: Harry Reid Corruption Behind Nevada Standoff
Dear Conservative, Yesterday, we were greeted with excellent news. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other federal agencies have decided to stop seizing Clive Bundy’s cattle in Bunkerville, Nevada. As I wrote yesterday, the BLM has been rounding up Bundy’s cattle to pay for the $1.1 Million of “grazing fees“ the government claims is…

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