Dear Conservative,
Back in January, just after the New Year, I warned you that Barack Obama was preparing to radically change how people are evaluated for firearm ownership.
The Founders knew that a day would come when a democratically elected tyrant would try to disarm the American people. That is why they included the handy…
The Constitution
Dear Conservative,
I’m just going to come out and say it… The Electoral College isn’t perfect.
For those of you who do not know, the Electoral College is the system set up to determine who wins and loses Presidential elections. The Framers designed the system to ensure that power be equitably shared between the country’s…
Dear Conservative,
Barack Obama is conspiring with Eric Holder to release thousands of felons from prison in what will be the first blanket-pardon of its kind. So far, Obama has pardoned fewer convicts than any other modern president. However, all of this will change…
The prisoners, all of whom were convicted in a court of…
Dear Conservative,
Do you know what I absolutely hate? Back-stabbing Republicans!
I hate that after We the People put the GOP back in control of the House of Representatives in 2010, they voted to hand the gavel off to John Boehner (R-OH).
We’ve been hearing rumors for months that John Boehner and the other Republicans-in-Name-Only…
Dear Conservative,
The IRS targeting scandal goes much deeper than anyone imagined!
Last week, it was revealed that Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Government Oversight Committee, was instrumental in urging Lois Lerner to target conservative non-profit groups. This explains a lot, considering how Elijah Cummings was doing everything in…
Dear Conservative,
Every single Obama appointee who is caught committing a crime must be impeached, convicted, imprisoned, and left to rot! There can be absolutely no alternative.
Attorney General Eric Holder’s role in the botched gun running mission, Operation Fast and Furious, has to be at the top of that list! He must be impeached…
Dear Conservative,
Today is the deadline for New Yorkers to register their so-called "Assault Weapons" with the state. And, not surprisingly, over a million gun owners are refusing to do so.
A little over a year ago, the gun control machines in New York and Connecticut fired up again, eager to use the Sandy Hook tragedy as…
Dear Conservative,
I've been sitting on this story for a while, trying to figure out the best way to respond. As you no doubt have heard by now, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush commented last week that the act of illegal immigration wasn't a felony, but rather an "act of love."
I have never…
Dear Conservative,
Yesterday, we were greeted with excellent news. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other federal agencies have decided to stop seizing Clive Bundy’s cattle in Bunkerville, Nevada.
As I wrote yesterday, the BLM has been rounding up Bundy’s cattle to pay for the $1.1 Million of “grazing fees“ the government claims is…
Dear Conservative,
By now you have probably heard about the crisis surrounding the Bundy Ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada. In case you haven’t, here is the basic synopsis.
Clive Bundy is a cattle rancher whose family has lived near Bunkerville, NV for the last 140 years. The Bundy family’s cattle have always grazed on what had…