Dear Conservatives,
The Obama administration is working with environmentalists to impose the United Nations’ new climate change agenda on the American people without going through Congress!
We have been monitoring this for weeks and the Obama administration’s push to impose a globalist climate agenda on the country just took an interesting turn…
The White House is looking to…
The Constitution
Dear Conservative,
For weeks, President Barack H. Obama has hinted that he wanted to do something to stop Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Syria.
But for all the speeches and rhetoric, Obama never provided the American people with a plan… until now.
The big plan is to use the United States Air Force to attack ISIS militants from…
Dear Conservative,
Exactly two years ago, we experienced one of the worst cover-ups in recent memory: the administration pushed the ridiculous narrative that the Benghazi terror attacks were caused by a low-budget YouTube video and were somehow our fault.
This was a message that was repeated for days and weeks following the attacks, even though the intelligence…
Dear Conservative,
The Department of Justice has announced that it will end “Operation Streamline,” a successful program that prosecutes illegal aliens!
Operation Streamline is a Department of Justice program aimed at prosecuting illegal aliens caught for the first time. The program is hugely successful. Or at least, it was until the Obama administration got involved in selectively…
Dear Conservative,
Eric Holder’s own aides have been caught trying to collaborate with Democrat congressmen to undermine the Congressional investigation into the IRS scandal!
A few days ago, Brian Fallon, a senior communications aid for Eric Holder, picked up the phone to call Rep. Elijah Cummings’ staffers. As you might remember, Elijah Cummings is the ranking Democrat…
Dear Conservative,
The IRS announced late on Friday that five more of its employees had experienced computer “crashes.”
To make it more interesting, all five staffers are also currently under investigation for helping Lois Lerner target Conservative non-profit groups!
We have heard this more than TWENTY times! That’s right, the IRS has informed Congress that…
Dear Conservative,
Congress has been on vacation for what seems like forever. The House and Senate go back in session tomorrow (Monday September 8th), but Harry Reid and his allies aren’t wasting any time attacking your constitutional rights!
Tomorrow, Harry Reid has scheduled a vote in the Senate on S.J. 19, a resolution that would…
Dear Conservative,
A groundbreaking claim has been made by the five commandos who were charged with protecting the CIA facility in Benghazi, Libya.
In a book they are authoring together, these five commandos have admitted what we have all suspected for the past two years: that they were ordered to “stand down” and not rescue…
Dear Conservative,
The United States just signed an international agreement promising that illegal immigrants will have the same rights as American citizen and legal immigrant workers!
The “Memorandum of Understanding” was signed by both the United States and Mexico and promises that immigrants in America – regardless of whether they’re legal or illegal – will…
Dear Conservative,
Just this weekend, State Police enforcing New York’s SAFE Act gun-control law raided a gun shop in Albion, NY and forced the owner to hand over his client list and all of their background check data. The reason? The store had sold 170 gun control compliant – and State Police approved – rifles…