Fellow American,
It is finally happening. King Barack Obama is issuing his illegal alien amnesty executive order TODAY!
His plan is anticipated to take more than 5 million illegal immigrants and make them legal residents of the United States, potentially opening the door for them to receive government services like subsidized healthcare!
All we hear…
The Constitution
Fellow Conservative,
You were duped. You were swindled. You were promised the world by politicians who knew they were nothing but empty promises.
By now, we’ve all heard the sound bytes. Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Obamacare, has absolutely eviscerated Obama and other Democrats in recent days. If you haven’t been following Gruber-Gate, you can…
Fellow Conservative,
In the coming days, Congress is going to vote on a bill that will rein in the NSA’s out-of-control surveillance on American citizens.
Under both the Bush and Obama presidencies, the NSA has broken the law and illegally spied on Americans.
Programs designed to combat terrorism have been abused to go after millions…
Fellow Conservative,
Well, it finally a happened…
For months, illegal alien children have made the journey across Central America in order to sneak into the United States.
Over the past summer, hundreds of illegal aliens were caught trying to enter the United States every day.
And those are just the ones that were caught. Countless…
Fellow Conservative,
This past week, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that California Attorney General Kamala Harris does not have grounds to intervene in Peruta v. San Diego – a suit challenging the California’s draconian concealed carry laws. Pending an appeal or Supreme Court intervention, that means that Californians are one step closer to…
Fellow American,
The EPA is issuing a new regulation that changes a key portion of the Clean Water Act and it puts almost every single piece of private property in danger!
The Clean Water Act has always allowed the EPA to regulate “navigable” waterways. This means that in order for a plot of property to…
Fellow Conservative,
Eric Holder is leaving the Obama administration as soon as his replacement has been confirmed by the Senate.
This week, the President officially announced that his nominee for AG would be Loretta Lynch, the current U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
The Left is applauding this nomination, citing Lynch’s successes…
Fellow Conservative,
The United Nations has announced when it will begin enforcing its gun control treaty and the date it chose… is December 24th.
Yes, the U.N. chose Christmas Eve to begin its mission of disarming the world’s population.
While gun control advocates will cheer the symbolism of starting global arms control on the eve…
Fellow Conservative,
I started off yesterday's article by saying that I was losing trust in the Republican Party. After a deluge of responses on email and social media -- one guy told me to repent and seek out Jesus -- I wanted to clarify that statement.
There are plenty of good Congressmen and Senators…
Fellow Conservative,
I don’t trust a single Republican in Congress.
We are learning now that the GOP offered to compromise with Obama on immigration reform back in January but the President rejected their proposal.
Funny how we’re finding this out after we’ve already cast our ballots, isn’t it?
We’ve known for months that John Boehner…