Fellow Conservative,
Law enforcement caught two illegal alien murderers back-to-back. On July 1, a five-time deported illegal alien shot and killed an innocent woman walking on the pier in San Francisco, CA. Then, a few days later, news broke that an illegal alien in Texas admitted to murdering his wife with a hammer.
The Left…
The Constitution
Fellow Conservative,
Remember the VA scandal? Remember how Veterans Affairs hospitals would force veterans to wait on endless lines?
People died after waiting months just to see their doctor. Others, by the time they actually got an appointment, were told that their illness/disease was terminal. All because VA employees wanted to collect their bonus checks…
Fellow Conservative,
Well, the State Department has finally begun turning over Hillary Clinton’s emails to Congressional investigators. This is being done under a court order and despite the administration’s best efforts to delay, they were just forced to release thousands of Mrs. Clinton’s emails.
But a handful of emails are being deliberately withheld. The State…
Fellow Conservative,
This is it. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has come out with his long awaited gun control package that he is promising to push through Congress.
Normally, I would say that this unconstitutional legislation has no chance of getting by John Boehner or Mitch McConnell, but with their recent track record, I don’t think…
Fellow Conservative,
The Federal government just released its new projections. They expect 127,000 illegal aliens to enter the United States this year. If President Obama had his way, they would all be allowed to stay, no questions asked.
In the coming weeks, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear the Obama administration’s appeal of…
Fellow Conservative,
The Obama administration admits it will miss its second deadline in a row in its nuclear negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The deadline is tomorrow, but many of the Iranian negotiators have gone home to Tehran, making an agreement impossible.
But now we’re hearing word that the Obama has made an…
Fellow Conservative,
John Boehner has been waffling in deciding how to ‘deal with’ Republican Congressmen who publicly opposed his Obamatrade legislation.
As I explained last week, the Speaker of the House has been doling out punishments to everyone who opposed the Leadership’s plan to give Obama even more power.
Three Conservatives were removed from the…
Fellow Conservative,
This President has completely abandoned enforcing our immigration laws. What we are witnessing today in America is a complete disregard for the rule of law. The Courts have ordered the Obama administration to cease all of its amnesty provisions. They can’t hand out amnesty… they can’t hand out work permits to illegal aliens...…
Fellow Conservative,
Unbelievable… Simply unbelievable…
The Supreme Court just bent over backwards to save Obamacare again.
When the Democrats passed Obamacare years ago, they wrote that only healthcare exchanges “established by the state” would be eligible for subsidies.
Yet in a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court has determined that this phrase is ambiguous and that…
Fellow Conservative,
Yesterday, at a ceremony hosted by gun control groups, Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) each announced their desire to reignite the push for gun control.
As you might remember, these were the two Senators behind the 2013 gun control push following the Sandy Hook shooting. They tried to get universal…