Oh, what a summer this has been. Washington is buzzing. The resolution to oust John Boehner as Speaker of the House is gaining momentum and I am happy to say that by our count, we most likely have enough votes to get it done.
The resolution is simple: it would vacate the Speaker’s chair and…
The Constitution
Fellow Conservative,
How long are we going to let this happen? Honestly… How many more illegal alien murders are we going to stomach before we put a stop to it entirely?
I’ve had a lot of conversations with Liberals who argue that these vicious murders committed by illegal aliens shouldn’t have a bearing on our…
How many felonies and criminal charges can Hillary Clinton rack up in a 48 hour period?
Let’s count them!
This week, she signed a statement under the penalty of perjury that she handed every single work-related email over to the State Department. We know for a FACT that she did not. Benghazi-related emails between Mrs.…
Fellow Conservative,
The case against Planned Parenthood is growing. A number of undercover videos have exposed Planned Parenthood (PP) executives and doctors clearly breaking the law by harvesting and selling the body parts and organs of aborted babies.
The law is clear: the babies cannot be sold for a profit, the abortion procedure cannot be…
Fellow Conservative,
Last week, I told you about the VA’s latest attempts to strip a US Navy Veteran of his Constitutional rights.
VA inspectors were descending on John Arnold’s home. Some bureaucrat in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs deemed him to be incompetent because he needed help managing his finances. Only in Obama’s America can…
Fellow Conservative,
A Federal Judge has ordered Hillary Clinton to swear, under penalty of perjury, that she did not delete ANY of her work related emails. Just one example of an email she deleted or didn’t hand over would kill her Presidential campaign.
But here’s the thing. When Hillary’s aides received this same notice from…
Fellow Conservative,
Illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, Planned Parenthood selling babies’ body parts… the list goes on and on of things Congress absolutely MUST address.
The Democrats have promised to do everything they can to keep sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood funded with YOUR tax dollars.
For goodness sake, how many more innocent people need to…
Fellow Conservative,
It’s happening again. The Obama administration is making another push to disarm as many veterans as possible. The reason? Your guess is as good as mine. Bureaucrats within the Obama administration
But this is happening and it is up to you to stop it!
Don’t let Obama disarm our veterans and retirees!…
Fellow Conservative,
It’s over. US Intelligence has collected aerial photographs proving that Iran is currently “sanitizing” one of its suspected nuclear facilities. The are using heavy machinery to move earth and cover up evidence of nuclear weapons development. This is absolutely breaking news.
Remember when I told you that Iran negotiated a side deal for…
Fellow Conservative,
For weeks, we have been blowing the whistle on a new regulation making its way through the Obama administration that has drastic First and Second Amendment implications.
The regulation is being added to what is known as ITAR, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. This is the system of regulations that stop Americans…