Fellow Conservative,
Just before the New Year, the US Congress passed a bill to make it harder for terrorists to come here legally. Anyone coming to the United States with a history of traveling to Iraq, Iran, or other states that sponsor terrorism would require extra screening for their visa.
It was a good moment.…
The Constitution
Fellow Conservative,
Today, Congressional Republicans from both chambers are gathered together in Baltimore for the party’s yearly retreat.
The GOP is spending today huddling and deciding what their plan of attack should be for 2016. This comes on the heels of the White House’s announcement that they would be increasing the total number of “refugees”…
Fellow Conservative,
Last night’s State of the Union was relatively tame. Sure, President Obama took the usual jabs at Republicans. But things like gun control, for example, were barely even mentioned.
In previous years, the President used the State of the Union to push for his agenda items. He has used the speech in the…
Fellow Conservative,
We’re receiving word that Paul Ryan is preparing to make major concessions to President Obama help release tens of thousands of drug dealers and traffickers from prison.
At a time when many areas of the country are desperately trying to deal with a new heroin epidemic, Paul Ryan is about to give in…
Fellow Conservative,
What’s the point of having an official Guantanamo review if the President just keeps releasing the worst of the worst?
For the fourth time this month, Barack Obama has sent a terrorist home. This time, it is Muhammed Abd Al Rahman Awn Al-Shamrani who is being sent home to his native Saudi Arabia.…
Fellow Conservative,
It has been a week since Obama changed the law to redefine what constitutes a firearms dealer, putting anyone who sells a gun at risk of prosecution.
It has been a week since Obama informed the nation that he would use taxpayer money to develop technology to GPS track and remotely disable millions…
Fellow Conservative,
Oh my goodness... The State Department just released an email showing Hillary Clinton instructing a subordinate to remove the classification heading from a document and insecurely send it to her private email account. This is the end, folks.
This is a felony. It is a felony to remove the classification header from any…
Fellow Conservative,
Well, here it is, ladies and gentlemen. Yesterday, two Middle Eastern refugees were arrested here in the United States on terrorism charges.
Remember when the Left said that there weren’t ever any refugees in the United States arrested for terrorism? We just had two in one day.
And they weren’t connected, mind you.…
Fellow Conservative,
Today, Barack Obama is holding a gun control town hall event . The event isn't open to the public. The NRA has opted out of attending, saying that they have no desire to sit through another anti-gun propaganda event.
The tide is starting to turn against us. A new assault weapons ban has…
We all know Hillary Clinton is a liar. She will say anything to get elected. But she has stooped so low, even I am surprised. She is defaming the Benghazi victims’ families and calling them liars.
We all remember how after the Benghazi attacks, Hillary Clinton gathered the victims’ families for a ceremony. After her…