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The Constitution

T-Minus 3 Days: Obama Implementing Unconstitutional UN Climate Treaty
Fellow Conservative, As we reported to you last month, the UN Climate Treaty has officially gotten enough signatures to enter into force nationwide. On November 4th – just three days from now – the United Nations will officially begin enforcing the radical climate treaty. And they will be using YOUR tax dollars to fund it!…
Breaking: Loretta Lynch, Obama Trying to Save Clinton, Block FBI Investigations
Fellow Conservative, For months, FBI Director Comey has had resignation letters piling up on his desk. His agents and even some of his top-level deputies were furious over how he handled the Clinton investigation. He had been ignoring the letters, looking for an opportunity to right his wrongs. That opportunity came when the FBI seized…
Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Burns Down National Forest
Fellow Conservative, Angel Gilberto Garcia-Avalos is a five-time deported illegal alien. He just pled guilty to starting a forest fire in Sequoia National Forest in California. The forest fire is estimated to have cost the United States government more than $61 million. That’s your money… His actions killed untold amounts of wildlife and caused irreparable…
Treason Confirmed: GOP Announces Plan to Surrender Supreme Court
Fellow Conservative, It is happening. GOP Senators are officially, and publicly, launching their push to confirm Obama’s radical leftist Supreme Court nominee. We have highlighted the GOP’s effort, behind the scenes, to surrender the Supreme Court and with it the future of this country.’ We’ve been talking about this for months and all the reports…
Leftists Demand Lt. Colonel Be “Visibly Punished” For Talking About Faith
Fellow Conservative, Our email today was originally going to focus on the Pentagon’s asinine attempts to claw-back signing bonuses that soldiers received a decade ago when they re-enlisted to go to Afghanistan or Iraq. Right as we were about to hit send, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced that he was suspending all attempts to…
Bombshell: Clinton Aide Discusses Email Cover-Up Same Day as FBI ‘Bribe’
Fellow Conservative, New Wikileaks emails from the Clinton Campaign prove, beyond any doubt, that Barack Obama lied about his involvement in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and show Clinton staffers desperately trying to “clean it up.” Here’s the timeline: By now, you know that on March 4, 2015, the House Benghazi Committee delivered a subpoena and…
Shameful: Pentagon Forcing Thousands of Veterans Into Bankruptcy
Fellow Conservative, This is unbelievable… Military veterans are being forced to pay back the bonuses they received when they re-enlisted to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan.  In the mid-2000s, at the height of the wars, the Pentagon began offering signing bonuses to soldiers in order to convince them to re-enlist. The US military could not…
Treason: Obama Paying $3 Billion To UN Climate Treaty Without Congressional Ratification
Fellow Conservative, The UN Climate Treaty officially goes into effect worldwide in just a few days. With Obama’s help, the UN was able to convince India to ratify the treaty. India understood that ratifying the treaty would have a negative impact on the Indian economy, so Obama offered to pay their way. The President knows…
Amazing: GOP Still Working Tirelessly to Elect Hillary
Fellow Conservative, Yesterday, there were three national polls released (IBD/TIPP, Rasmussen, LA Times) showing Donald Trump either ahead or tied. The Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Donald Trump closing the gap by half since the surreptitiously recorded tape surfaced a few weeks ago. The takeaway? The message that this electoral process could be rigged is resonating. But…
Obama Does Unthinkable: Effectively Ends Criminal Deportations
Fellow Conservative, The Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest just published a study compiling data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The date shows that as of June 25, 2016, there are 953,806 aliens living in the United States with outstanding Orders of Removal. Almost 1 million aliens have gone before immigration judges…

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