United Nations Working Hard to Dismantle U.S. Gun Rights
Global gun banners know Obama is "hand in glove" on their side
Click here to fax Congress Now!
For decades now, the United Nations has aggressively pushed to expand its powers over the countries that support it.
Just this week, Arizona—recognized the growing threat—passed a bill denying…
The Constitution
Do You Really Want Companies Doing the Feds' Dirty Work?
CISPA bill obliterates Internet privacy
We strongly urge President Obama to Veto The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA, or HR 3523). Despite White House objections (Obama has not actually threatened a veto), the House voted on Thursday to pass the bill voting 248-168 in…
Folks, we need to stand up and fight. The Senate "unanimously passed" S. 1794. The House of Representatives passed H.R. 347, 388 to 3. Obama subsequently signed it into law. Our elected officials did not read this act, want control of our speech or they did not bother to fight for our Constitution. This law…
Leave us alone Kill H.R. 3523 CISPA!
Click here to Fax Congress Now and end CISPA!
Editors Note on 04-22-2012 ... After further comments from Congress, CISPA will most likely be voted on later in the week… still, this is a very urgent matter and we must let our lawmakers know that we oppose CISPA! …
It's time to STOP Obamacare and Obama's unconstitutional power grab! Click here to fax Congress now!
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” — President Ronald Reagan
“Separation of…
How Team Obama undermines and perverts 'the supreme law of the land'
Thomas Jefferson warned us about the monster called government.
"In questions of power," he urged, "let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
Unfortunately, America's government has long thrown off those constitutional "chains,"…