“In modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly.”
It is time Congress put President Barack Hussein Obama on trial and makes him answer for his disregard of the…
The Constitution
In December of 2011 on New Year’s Eve, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), declaring the entire United States a “battlefield” and giving the U.S. government the right to detain an American citizen indefinitely and even assassinate them, if they are suspected of terrorism—without due process.
Then, in March of 2012, Obama…
In 1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted three articles of impeachment against President Richard M. Nixon for actions “subversive of constitutional government.” We are now calling on Congress to impeach our current President, Barack Hussein Obama, for the same crimes and possibly, for dereliction of duty in the face of the enemy, because he allowed…
When Obama became President in 2009, he reversed the policy of the United States and began gun treaty negotiations with the U.N. The U.S. is the world’s largest arms trader, accounting for more than 40 percent of global conventional arms transfers. It is a treaty against America and the U.N. is in great shape with…
“It’s been branded as a trade agreement, but really it is enforceable corporate global governance.” Lori Wallach, Global Trade Watch
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a secretive trade deal with Asian nations that could reshape the American economy and our foreign relations. Chances are, you’ve never even heard of it. That is because nobody wants you…
“In modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly.”
It is time Congress put President Barack Hussein Obama on trial and makes him answer for his disregard of the…
Since September 11, 2001, the government has found every way to make exceptions to our Fourth Amendment protections and claim legal right to search and seizure of our private property—all in the name of safety, of course. The punch line, “don’t let the terrorists win” may have framed many late-night jokes, but sadly, it seems…
The Death of a Democracy: Obama Expands Secret Police as Sen. Reid Prepares to Dissolve Senate Rules
Click HERE to Fax Congress and Demand the Preservation of the Filibuster and the Destruction of President Obama’s Illegal Cadre of Secret Police
Before the confetti stopped falling, they had a plan. Before Election Day, they had a plan. Before the first vote was cast, they had a plan. Liberals have been preparing for the…
Obama is back in business with the U.N. as they work on implementing the Small Arms Treaty that will eliminate our Second Amendment rights.
The U.N. laid low until after the presidential election because any news about Obama supporting an international gun treaty would have hurt his re-election chances. So, just as he tried to sweep…
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” – Presidential Oath of Office, U.S.A.
If the President’s sworn duty is to honor the oath, above, and, as it…