Agenda 21 is a United Nations initiative that will change the way we “live, eat, learn and communicate,” addressing every single area a human being could possibly impact during their time on earth: agriculture, ecosystem, education, energy and housing, population, public health, recycling, and transportation.
At the 1992 Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro…
The Constitution
CLICK here to DEMAND that Congress VETOES these unconstitutional Executive Orders and take back its legislative power before it is too late
President Obama is going to confiscate your guns. He is going to do it using illegal Executive Orders. His plan is to bypass Congress and our republican form of government. Vice President Joe…
Barack Obama has announced he is planning to take no less than 23 executive actions relating to gun control, whether Congress acts or not. The tragedy at Sandy Hook was all he needed to ram through his gun control agenda and use his second term to eliminate our Constitutional rights.
Fax Congress Now!
While Americans…
Obama’s propaganda campaign against our Second Amendment rights continues. Shamefully, he is politicizing the murder of twenty schoolchildren and trying to convince Americans, and Congress, that strict gun control laws would have stopped the Sandy Hook shootings. The truth is, they wouldn’t have.
Fax Congress Now!
On Tuesday, Obama surrounded himself with children and announced…
On October 26, 2012, seemingly under the radar, President Obama slipped through an Executive Order right under our noses. Although Executive Orders are nothing new, this particular one could potentially be devastating to YOU and our United States Constitution. At that time, Americans were beginning the final, exhaustive week of the presidential elections and were tracking the…
Make no mistake. When President Obama says, “We have more work to do,” he’s not talking about jobs or the economy. He is talking about literally DISMANTLING the United States Constitution! Yes, he wants to “change” America and transform our republic to even go against our Second Amendment and YOUR right to bear arms!
On Sunday, January 20th, Barack Hussein Obama will take the presidential oath of office for the second time “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
In December, 2011 on New Year’s Eve, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), declaring the entire United States a “battlefield” and giving the U.S. government the right to detain an American citizen indefinitely and even assassinate them, if they are suspected of terrorism—without due process.
Last week, he signed the NDAA…
Only two terms as President? How silly! New York Rep. Jose Serrano introduced a bill in Congress last week that would eliminate presidential term limits.
H.J. Res 15 makes the sky the limit: if it passes and Barack Obama wants to, he could seek a third term … or a fourth. He could remain president…
Franklin D. Roosevelt “ The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or…