Obama has declared he wants to “improve the voting experience” in America. Fantastic, you say. That must mean he is going to get down to business and improve the integrity of elections by addressing voter fraud, New Black Panther interference, and military voting problems, right?
No. On March 28th he issued an Executive Order establishing…
The Constitution
Those Republican Senators who voted against the filibuster to save the Second Amendment MUST be removed from office! This is absolutely NO TIME for any Republican to become “soft” on gun rights! Their votes against our rights mean they should NOT be re-elected!
As tax-paying, pro-gun patriots, we…
We have lost the first battle…cloture on the gun bill! But we have NOT lost the war.
Today’s vote was 68-31 to not invoke cloture. This means the debate on the gun bill, S. 649, goes forward. The filibuster, that we supported, was voted down thanks to the “turncoat” Republicans who voted against…
Every United States Senator takes an oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of…
Obama has stated he will completely disregard the Tenth Amendment rights of states who have passed legislation to nullify Obamacare. States that refuse to comply based on legislation or their state constitutions will see their entire health insurance industry taken over by agents of the Department of Health and Human Services.
States including Missouri, Oklahoma,…
“Colorado is a pawn for the Obama-Biden plan. These bills are a model for what they’ll try to push in Congress.” – Denver University law professor Dave Kopel
As Colorado goes, so goes the nation? Let’s hope not. As it stands now under Colorado law, the only individual with the authority to arrest a sheriff…
Breaking news from the Washington Times: “The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday signed off on a sweeping, first-of-its-kind treaty to regulate the international arms trade.”
This treaty includes “small arms and light weapons” in its list of weaponry that is to be subject to international regulations! President Obama is under pressure to support the…
Click HERE to Demand a Congressional Investigation into the Obama Administration’s Ammo and Weapons Purchases During Sequester While Simultaneously Cutting Safety and Veterans Programs
From elementary school all the way up through high school and college, in History and Civics classes, Americans are taught that the our government is supposed to be accountable to the…
Two United States Senators have signed up to assist Senators Ron Paul (R-KY), Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) in their proposed FILIBUSTER against the freedoms that will be taken away with the gun control legislation that is before Congress.
Our Second Amendment rights are in dire jeopardy, so these…
Illegal Executive Orders
American presidents have used Executive Orders since George Washington. He had only 8 Executive Orders, while Franklin D. Roosevelt had 3,522.
Regardless of being a Democrat or a Republican, every President has signed their “fair share” of Executive Actions. President Obama is no exception. However, many of his Executive Orders are…