Contrary to earlier media reports---We want to bring you very important story again! Don’t be fooled by the distractions of both the media and this Administration.
NBC News admitted there were only four handguns used to carry out these outrageous murders. By the way, this directly…
The Constitution
The House of Representatives passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which take us one step closer to losing our 4th Amendment rights. It now moves to the Senate. Its biggest champion, Republican Mike Rogers (MI)—whose wife stands to profit handsomely should CISPA ultimately pass—held closed-door meetings with his Intelligence Committee and disallowed…
News that is likely to cause a stir usually comes out on a Friday afternoon or evening, when fewer people are paying attention. Washington uses this trick, and they’ve also upped the sneakiness factor by issuing decisions and signing legislation on holidays, or during major news events.
That is why on December 31, 2011, Barack…
The “Gang of 8” in the United States Senate, evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, have reached a final “deal” on the Immigration Reform Bill.
It is slated to be the most comprehensive immigration changes presented in the past one-quarter century. President Obama has made immigration reform his “top priority” (after gun control).
11 million…
Who in the world in their right mind would give away the United States of America and their sovereignty?
46 United States Senators! That is exactly what happened. With 46 Senators voting to enter into an agreement with the United Nations Small Arms Trade Treaty!
This treaty would have placed a GLOBAL BAN on the…
Barack Hussein Obama is bad for America. His actions are reckless and illegal, and he has continually assaulted our Constitution. Call on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, immediately.
Fax Congress Now!
Barack Obama stood idly by while our Libyan ambassador and three other brave Americans were killed in Benghazi. He didn’t want to act…
Thank you very much! YOUR faxes helped to defeat the expanded background checks of the Toomey-Manchin amendment to the Gun Control bill! Thank you!
Five Democrats voted along with 41 Republicans against the measure! Your faxes actually did make a difference! It was a well-fought victory for the Second Amendment…
No freedom, no debate. In the midst of chaos of the Boston Marathon bomber and the explosions in Texas, on Thursday, Americans moved closer to losing more 4th amendment rights when the House of Representatives passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). This came after Republican Mike Rogers (MI) held closed-door meetings with…
We brought to your attention last week that lawmakers in Colorado have sent legislation to the governor giving the Secret Service vast new powers over state law enforcement officers – and it has come to our attention that a Texas Democrat has proposed a similar bill.
The idea is to give the federal government power…
While controversy swirls around various legislative proposals for even stricter gun control legislation, below the radar is the increasing militarization of police agencies in the country from the federal government down to local police departments.
Whether you know it or not, the federal government is trying to take over our local…