CNN anchor Deb Feyerick wondered if an approaching asteroid “is an example of, perhaps, global warming.”
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) blames global warming for the Texas and Oklahoma tornadoes.
Christie Hefner, a foot soldier for the George Soros organization Center for American Progress, blames Chicago’s high gun crime rate on the fact that, “it’s hot.”
The Constitution
The United States government has invaded your privacy. The National Security Agency has admitted to obtaining the records of most Americans including all of your phone records. That’s right---nothing is safe anymore. The old-fashioned days of communism have already spread throughout our land by this leadership!
You are already being treated the exact same as…
Under the disguise of lead poisoning in our environment by ammunition rounds, the Environmental Protection Agency is moving through our court system, to try to eliminate ammo! While they are at it, trying to eliminate our Second Amendment!
The Obama Administration is using the EPA to make an “end run” around the Second Amendment and…
Obama pledged during his first week in office to make government more transparent and open. The nation's signature open-records law, he said in a memo to his Cabinet, would be “administered with a clear presumption: In the face of doubt, openness prevails.” Yet, another LIE!
The Associated Press has discovered that top officials in the…
Congressional hearings are seemingly non-stop this week as various Congressional committees and sub-committees try to get to the bottom of various Internal Revenue scandals!
The most obvious was testimony heard on Tuesday by various Conservative groups as they testified of the IRS over-reach simply because they were “Conservative” or “Tea Party” supporters. They told lawmakers…
If we take President Barack Obama at his word, he knows nothing about the recent scandals that are threatening his presidency. On the surface, that is enough to make a logical person wonder what, then, is he doing as President of the United States (other than playing golf and vacationing in Hawaii)?
Did his teleprompter…
President Barack Obama is about to sign the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty and send it to the Senate for ratification. This treaty will regulate small arms in America and will lead to registration and confiscation!
Fax every single Member of…
The public outrage is obvious! Americans are totally fed up with the IRS looking over our shoulder. No, not just because we pay taxes, but because the IRS is spearheading an attack (or audit) on those who have Conservative thoughts!
It is quite obvious that many lawmakers have heard the outrage from their constituents! We…
Embattled Attorney General Eric Holder, facing at least three scandals, and calls for his demise, still promises Gun Control!
Eric Holder may be under intense scrutiny for his department’s part in wiretapping AP phones, seizing phone records, allowing IRS persecution, and gun-running, but that doesn’t mean his goal of gun control is in the backseat.…
On JUNE 3rd, the United Nations will release their Arms Trade Treaty to member nations for ratification.
President Obama has indicated his willingness to sign it, and it will then move to the Senate for ratification.
Adopting this U.N. treaty means the international body of the United Nations will override our Second Amendment. Tell…