Dear Conservative,
As you have probably heard, George Zimmerman was arrested again on Monday in Florida on gun charges. At this point, it is impossible to comment on the merits of the case but one thing is certain: another gun control push is sure to follow.
What percentage of law abiding gun owners do you…
The Constitution
This has been a long time coming. After years of lying before Congress and deceiving the American people, articles of impeachment have finally been filed against Attorney General Eric Holder. Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) introduced House Resolution 411, marking the first attempt to impeach a sitting-Cabinet member in nearly 137 years.
The criticisms against…
Dear Conservative Friend,
The National Security Agency is NO friend of yours!
In spite of overall disapproval from Americans, the NSA continues to eavesdrop on YOU, regardless of who you are. Not only that, it has come to light that they eavesdrop on international leaders, even on their cell phones. But what does that matter…
Dear Conservative,
Every now and then, news breaks in the Obama administration that is so stereotypical, it is actually depressing. You might want to sit down for this.
Attorney General Eric Holder, made infamous by Operation Fast and Furious, is currently arguing before the Supreme Court that United Nations treaties trump the United States Constitution.
Dear Conservative,
News flash! Barack Obama has gotten “really good at killing people.”
Those are his own words! This bombshell allegation came to light in Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s newest book, “Double Down: Game Change 2012,” which tells the story of the 2012 Presidential campaign. The authors overheard Obama talking to his aides and bragging…
Dear Conservative,
As you are well aware, the Democrats have made it their goal this year to enact gun control by any means necessary. When the legislation failed in the Senate, rather than recognize the widespread public opposition, the Obama Administration turned to executive orders and bureaucratic regulations in order to infringe on your Second…
Dear Conservative Friend,
Once again, the Obama administration has muddied the waters in relationships with our allies.
German Chancellor views her cell phone that Obama and NSA may have tapped!
This Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel protested to President Barack Obama in reference to learning that the National Security…
Dear American Patriot,
Barack Obama’s offenses against America are only going to get worse in the next 3 years of his presidency.
Although he and the Democrats tried their best to blame the government shutdown on the Tea Party and Republicans, the fact remains that this President and the Senate with a Democrat majority, have…
Dear Conservative American Citizen,
As we can see from the Obamacare disaster, this chief executive's power is almost limitless because of this Congress and the Senate GOP.
The Regulations of the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS) has passed the House and needs Senate approval to TAKE AWAY OBAMA’S ABSOLUTE POWER.
The Senate must…
Dear Patriotic Conservative,
In spite of all the attention on the government shutdown and the debt ceiling fight, gun control advocates are very much at work, trying to undermine our political process and the United States Constitution. Your Second Amendment rights have never been more at risk! Yet, somehow, it does not make the headlines…