The Second Amendment is our last defense against tyranny. The right to keep and bear arms is a doomsday provision to be used as a last resort when all other rights fail. The founders saw firearm ownership as so necessary that they enumerated this right second in the Bill of Rights, immediately after defining the…
The Constitution
Dear Conservative,
Why does Congress even bother writing the laws? Don’t they know that Obama is just going to change them anyway?
Obama has changed the wording of Obamacare AGAIN in order to delay the employer mandate! That means that businesses don’t have to comply with Obamacare until 2016. This is the second time that…
Dear Conservative,
This is the moment that we have been waiting for. Every lie and every harmful policy decision of the last 5 years has led us to this very moment…
The movement to impeach President Obama is finally taking hold in Congress!
Support for impeachment came to a boil when Barack Obama promised in…
Dear Conservative,
Did you know that Attorney General Eric Holder has promised that the he and Obama will enact gun control this year by any means necessary?
In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee this past week, Eric Holder promised that gun control was still on President Obama's agenda and that he was ready to…
Dear Conservative,
It was hard to watch this year’s State of the Union address. Over the past five years, I've learned many things from watching Barack Hussein Obama, especially that the majority of the things he says are flat-out lies!
Yet, during the State of the Union, President Obama said something that absolutely…
Dear Conservative,
We have had to endure a lot over the past year. Every day brought new Liberal attempts to infringe on your Second Amendment rights.
As a Second Amendment supporter, you understand that the right of the People to keep and bear arms is a natural right. It wasn’t given to us by words…
Dear Conservative,
Two months ago, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) did the unthinkable: he used the so-called “nuclear option” to push through Obama’s political and judicial appointees.
The nuclear option is something that neither party ever dared to do. Previously, all executive and judicial nominees were forced to receive a super-majority (60 votes) in the Senate…
Dear Conservative,
There’s not a lot coming out of Washington to celebrate nowadays. Every day brings a new battle where we must push back against an overreaching Federal government that is more interested in fostering dependency than promoting individual liberty.
In many cases, we look at what the Federal government is doing, and just shake…
Dear Conservative,
While the lap-dog media is focused on the overblown “BridgeGate” in New Jersey, the Obama administration has been working behind the scenes to sweep the IRS targeting scandal under the rug!
What the Obama administration did to Conservative non-profit groups is absolutely atrocious! Barack Obama’s IRS deliberately and unfairly targeted Conservative groups in…
Dear Conservative,
As you are well aware, Congress didn’t pass a lot of laws during 2013. All in all, only 65 public laws were actually signed by President Obama and put into effect.
You can blame that on gridlock, which is certainly the case. However some gridlock is a healthy reminder that while things might…