4 DEAD Patriots: NO “Phony” Scandal
Dear Conservative,
President Barack Obama has once again LIED about the Benghazi Embassy attack! During his campaigning last week, he called 4 dead American’s a “phony” scandal! Mr. President: 4 Dead Americans (including an Ambassador) is NOT a “phony” scandal! Remind Congress that you will not forget these…
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Dear Patriotic Parents and Guardians,
WARNING: Your kids are very valuable to the nationalist, socialist State. They are currently being targeted by the Obama administration. As you read this, a HUGE DATABASE is being compiled on our children and grandchildren as part of the Common Core curriculum, sanctioned by the United Nations and forced onto…
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Like most liberty loving parents, I believe educational decisions are best made as close to home as possible. In April then, were you as surprised as me to see MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry argued that, "[W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or…
Feds Refuse to Prosecute IRS Cases!
Dear Patriotic Conservative,
Thursday the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a contentious hearing attempting to get to the bottom of the IRS scandals. Many thought Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) was going to take the scandal trail all the way to the White House. However, Issa backed off…
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, Former Canadian Minister of the Environment
Dear American Citizen,
Americans, be warned: the world is coming for your wealth, and Barack Obama is going to do…
President Obama has received a horrendous “slap on the wrist” via a study that HE commissioned on gun violence!
We all remember the “photo-op” picture of President Obama on January 16th, standing with little children. As a result of Newtown, Connecticut shootings, he then issued 23 Executive Orders that had to do with gun…
“Mr. Chairman, on the advice of my counsel, I respectfully decline to answer any questions and invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege to remain silent.”
Who is Gregory Roseman and why is he important?
Roseman “is or was” (doesn’t mean he was fired) a deputy director of acquisitions at the Internal Revenue Service. He’s accused of helping…
Vote NO FOR Blanket Amnesty!
Monday evening, the United States Senate voted to end debate on the “Border Surge” amendment to the Immigration bill. In order to end the debate, the 67-27 vote required over 60 Senate votes; which it received! This vote paves the way for amnesty for 11,000,000 illegal immigrants with a final…
Coming soon to a basketball court near you, a cozy matchup between the NBA and the White House.
Politico is reporting that the Obama administration has reached out to the NBA about partnering up to sell Obamacare to the American people.
Enroll America is behind the scheme, and SEIU is on their Board…
The penalty for lying to Congress under oath is up to five years in prison.
Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress when he was asked about journalist James Rosen of Fox News being violated for espionage, “With regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material -- that is not something…