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Government “Legitimizes” Hatred For Conservative Groups
Dear Conservative Earlier this year, it came to light that the IRS had unlawfully targeted conservative and Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny during their applications to become tax-exempt organizations. After the landslide conservative victory in the 2010 midterm elections, critics argue that the IRS deliberately made it more difficult for Tea Party groups to…
Obama’s Weakness Emboldens a Nuclear North Korea
Dear Conservative, We all knew this was to be expected. The minute that the Obama administration capitulated and offered to ease the sanctions against Iran, we knew that North Korea would defiantly restart its nuclear program and work towards reinforcing its missile program. You can hardly blame them. Like Iran, the North Koreans have been…
Dangerous Deal – Iran’s Nuclear Ambition
Dear Conservative, Listen to the words of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he described the deal to ease sanctions against Iran that President Obama pushed for and obtained: “What was achieved last night in Geneva is not an historic agreement; it is an historic mistake.” Why does Prime Minister Netanyahu feel this way?  Perhaps…
Budget Deadline Might Cut Back US Defense
Dear Conservative Friend, The clock is ticking!  In less than 20 working days, the House-Senate budget negotiators will need to come up with a real plan.  Although there is a “glimmer of hope,” we need to make sure that every Congressman must contact their colleagues on the 29-member panel that defense and military cuts…
IRS Refunds Billions to Identity Thieves
Dear Conservative Friend, Just as no one in the IRS was held accountable for their failing to grant tax-exempt statuses to pro-Conservative organizations, NO ONE in the Internal Revenue Service Management is being held ACCOUNTABLE for over $4,000,000,000 (4 billion dollars) being refunded to identity thieves!  It is a government outrage; yet no one is held responsible! …
“Children of the Obama Common Core”
Dear Conservative, Common Core is federal education. It is a nationalized education program that 45 states adopted, basically sight-unseen, while they were desperate to grab hold of Obama’s “Race to the Top” dollars. Liberals and conservatives alike are critical of Common Core, which offers zero innovation, lower educational standards and is a completely untested theoretical…

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