Dear Conservative,
The internet as we know it is officially dead.
This week, the leftist-dominated D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Net Neutrality regulations were unlawful.
Net Neutrality is the idea that information on the internet must be accessible to everyone equally. Previously, FCC regulations made it illegal for…
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Dear Conservative,
The Obama administration is praising the recent nuclear deal with Iran as a great accomplishment for world peace. However the news coming out of Iran is noticeably the opposite.
The President has touted the agreement as a huge success, and a big first step towards peace in the region. However the Iranians are…
Dear Conservative,
Every President takes the oath of office and promises to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” In the post-9/11 age, that requires the President to protect the United States against terrorist organizations hell-bent on killing as many Americans as possible.
If I had to grade how well President Obama…
Dear Conservative,
Rep. John Boehner has stabbed us in the back for the last time!
You put him in power. You made him the Speaker of the House. Without the rise of the Tea Party in 2010, we would still have Nancy Pelosi, aka the Wicked Witch of the West, holding the gavel in the…
Dear Conservative,
You and I both know that the last five years have been painful to live through.
Yet while everyone has suffered under this President, it is the millions of younger Americans who are now watching their futures dwindling away thanks to Obama’s destructive policies.
I am a 24 year-old American, and it absolutely…
Dear American,
First of all, Happy New Year and thank you for all that you have done to fight for our freedoms in 2013. As you already know, it was not an easy year and the battles were tough and many. I’m sure many times you thought to yourself, “How did we even find ourselves…
Dear Conservative,
Obamacare seems to be forcing everyone to buy something they don't want or don't need... The elderly are being forced to pay for pediatric coverage, men are being forced to carry maternity care, and healthy young people are being forced to overpay for insurance.
But all of this is just the beginning...
The Obama administration is…
Dear Conservative,
Allow me to be the first to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
As you prepare to spend tomorrow celebrating with family and friends, it is important to remember the true meaning of Christmas. After years of secularization and commercialization, the Christmas of today would be nearly unrecognizable…
Dear Conservative,
Last year, in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut shooting, we pleaded with our representatives to increase school security. The NRA was continually mocked by the Left for suggesting that we put police or armed guards in our schools. Instead of taking these common sense steps to safeguard our children, Democrats instead chose…
Nearly every week, we are met with stories of school children being punished by administrators for seemingly harmless “crimes.” Unfortunately, it seems that the old saying, “boys will be boys” no longer applies in this country.
In Pennsylvania, ten year old Johnny Jones was suspended for using a pencil to “make believe to shoot an…