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Breaking: Obama Judge Blocks Trump’s Refugee Ban in Stunning Decision
My Fellow Conservative, In a stunning ruling, a US District Judge has determined that an Imam in Hawaii has a Constitutional right to bring people into the United States and that the State of Hawaii can block a national security decision if it affects tourism… Just for the record, Hawaii resettled 5 refugees in 2015…
Breaking: Conservatives Turn on Paul Ryan, Consider Replacing Him Thanks to Leaked Audio
Fellow Conservative, It’s over, folks. The reign of Paul Ryan in the House of Representatives could be coming to an end. Both RINOs and Conservatives have serious reservations about Ryan’s healthcare bill, the House has ground to a halt and not passed any significant legislation 55 days into Trump’s Presidency, and now a bombshell audio…
Bombshell: Obama Used Foreign Spies to Surveil Donald Trump
Fellow Conservative, This is absolutely explosive. We are learning that the Obama administration may have circumvented US law and the Constitution by coordinating with British intelligence in order to place surveillance on Donald Trump and the Trump campaign. If true… then a lot of people are going to prison. Under the law, the Executive Branch…
Democrat Opposition to Supreme Court Nominee Starting to Buckle!
Fellow Conservative, Congress will soon begin consideration of Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. He is an excellent choice. Even liberal organizations are having a hard time justifying opposing him. For Conservatives, it doesn’t get much better than this. Gorsuch played an influential rule in getting the Hobby Lobby case to the Supreme Court…
Leftists, RINOs Rushing to Block Trump’s New Refugee Ban
Fellow Conservative, President Trump has released his revised refugee travel ban. This time, the executive order is designed to hopefully withstand liberal court challenges. So far, there are two new cases against the order. Hawaii has stepped up and declared that the Middle Eastern refugee ban is negatively affecting their tourism industry, even though they…
Wow: Congress and Trump Could Undo Decades of Gun Control Laws
Fellow Conservative, With one stroke of the pen, President Donald Trump can undo dozens of anti-gun “assault weapon” bans across the country. Last month, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Maryland’s so-called assault weapon ban by deciding that Americans have no right to own semi-automatic firearms like AR-15s. This ruling was just the latest…
Breaking: Mitch McConnell Officially Rejects Trump’s Border Wall Plan
Fellow Conservative, In Donald Trump’s first month as President, illegal border crossings sharply dropped 40%. It is amazing what happens when you tell Border Patrol their allowed to do their jobs, isn't it? This sudden drop, however, is prompting GOP leaders in both the House and Senate to flee from President Trump’s promise to build…
UN to Trump: Accept Refugees and Illegal Aliens or Else!
Fellow Conservative, President Trump has released his updated travel ban and it looks to be legally bulletproof.  The State of Hawaii has filed a lawsuit against the revised Middle Eastern refugee ban, but it’s unlikely to be successful. In 2015, Hawaii resettled just FIVE refugees and none of them were from the six countries on…
More Evidence Obama’s CIA Spied on Donald Trump
Fellow Conservative, Mark Levin is absolutely correct. The evidence of spying on the Donald Trump campaign is overwhelming. We know that the FBI, CIA, and other agencies were involved in the Obama administration’s surveillance of the Trump campaign. With what we just learned from Wikileaks, this became even more troubling… For months, the media has…
Yes! Trump, GOP Agree to Defund Planned Parenthood!
Fellow Conservative, President Trump has laid down the law. He just informed Planned Parenthood that if they wanted to keep their federal funding, they needed to drop the abortion side of their business. The Planned Parenthood executives refused the President’s offer. Not that surprising... Last night the House Republicans released their draft version of the…

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