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The Newest Stupid Reason Democrats are Demanding Trump’s Impeachment…
Just when you think the Democrats have gone as low as they can, they surprise you ang go even lower. Now, the latest demand from Democrats is to impeach President Donald Trump, not for any real reason mind you, but because Trump... uses Twitter. That's right, the Democrats believe that Trump's use of Twitter makes…
United Nations Demands Trump Stop Violating ISIS’ Civil Liberties!
After the Supreme Court overturned the 9th Circuit's activist ruling on President Trump's travel ban this week, the refugee shutdown executive order will finally go into effect tonight. Do you know who is not happy? The United Nations. Under Obama, the UN was tasked with vetting Middle Eastern refugees. The Obama administration gave the UN High…
Do You Think Congress Deserves to Go on Another Vacation?
Congress has once again proven that they care more about getting a tan than they do about getting the people's work done. Do you remember when Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell swore from the rooftops that they would pass President Trump's agenda within the first 100 days? They promised healthcare reform, tax cuts, funding for a…
United Nations Is Demanding That Trump Pay Up!
The United Nations has been scrambling in recent weeks. Between the President's decision to withdraw from the UN-backed Paris Climate Treaty or threatening to pull funding from bloated UN agencies, the bureaucrats at the UN are starting to see their gravy train leave the station. They had two options. They could change their ways and…
Obama Officials Avoiding Jail By Hiding Evidence In Obama’s Presidential Library
Trump has been "investigated" for months. Even now, the only crimes that we have evidence of are (1) the illegal leaks and (2) the fact that Trump associates were illegally "unmasked" in intelligence reports. Here in the United States, the Federal government needs a warrant before they can spy on an American. However, there is…
Does Congress Deserve a Month-Long Vacation?
A growing number of Republicans are demanding that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell cancel Congress' vacation and force legislators to spend all of August in Washington DC passing the agenda the American people voted for. You see, Congress is broken loosely into two camps: those who actually want to get things done and those who…
Special Counsel Now Hiring Hillary’s Lawyers to Attack Trump!
As it is, Robert Mueller has no business running this investigation against Trump. Under the Department of Justice's own rules, his close friendship with James Comey disquaifies him. But the lawyers he is choosing to hire proves he is absolutely biased. Special Counsel Mueller has begun hiring lawyers to staff up for his investigation against…
Unbelievable: Republicans are Caving to Democrats on Major Gun Issue
On Wednesday, the House Committee on Natural Resources was slated to begin deliberating on the Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreation Enhancement (SHARE) Act. This is a bill that is designed to make it easier to hunt, fish, and fully enjoy the outdoors, while preventing future administrations from enacting backdoor ammunition bans by targeting lead or gunpowder.…
Surprise: Shooter Who Targeted GOP Confirmed as Trump-Hating Bernie Supporter
This morning, we awoke to news that a gunman had targeted GOP Members of Congress who were practicing for an upcoming charity baseball game. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was injured along with three others. Police revealed the shooter to be James Hodgkinson from Illinois. He reportedly asked whether the Members of Congress on the…

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