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Remove Those Who Voted Against Our Rights
Those Republican Senators who voted against the filibuster to save the Second Amendment MUST be removed from office!  This is absolutely NO TIME for any Republican to become “soft” on gun rights!  Their votes against our rights mean they should NOT be re-elected! As tax paying, pro 2nd Amendment patriots, we must keep the pressure…
Agenda 21 And the Climate Change Lie
A month after CNN anchor Deb Feyerick wondered if an approaching asteroid “is an example of, perhaps, global warming,” we learn from David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation that, “The global temperature standstill shows that climate models are diverging from observations. If we have not passed it already, we are on the threshold…
Stop Obama From Bypassing Congress: Your Tax Dollars Are At Stake!
Amnesty no matter what! President Barack Obama wants an Amnesty/Immigration Bill ASAP.…no matter what! Even if it means moving forward without a Congressional hearing! And somehow the “GANG OF 8” (or at least a majority of them) is going along with that.  Something like immigration and amnesty needs Congressional input---because Congressional input is supposed…
You Are Being Exposed! Without Cause
Last week, FBI General Counsel Andrew Weissmann addressed the American Bar Association and complained that the FBI can’t see real-time online communications carried out through applications like email and social networks. They want to change this by expanding their reach into your Internet activity. Instead of compelling providers to give up data about what you…
Obama’s Executive Order Gives Feds Green Light To Spy On You
Saying that cyber attacks, and not terrorism, are the top threat to the United States, the government has now decided that the emails and web surfing history of private sector employees will be subject to government scans. In other words, the feds have just declared they can read the content of your emails and gain…
Stop This Administration From Denying Veterans’ 2nd Amendment Rights
Obama Takes Away Guns From American Heroes! Due, in part, to the many faxes that Congressmen have received from you and other friends of, President Obama will not get all he wants, when it comes to all-out gun control!  Thank you very much!  So the administration has resorted to other desperate measures to TAKE…
Fire Eric Holder! Need We Say More?
Was Eric Holder hired to protect the law, or Barack Obama? Fax Congress Now! Charles Krauthammer has called Holder one of the “most incompetent attorneys general in U.S. his­tory.” He has many strikes against him, but of course the most damning is his Operation Fast and Furious operation, which was nothing more than a sneaky…
Obama Claims Search And Seizure Rights Over The Internet
For once, Congress actually did their job. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was killed when Americans expressed their disapproval of privacy violations, and the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was also shelved last year after negotiations broke down. Both pieces of legislation have names that sound positive but don’t be fooled--like many…

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