BREAKING NEWS: Harry Reid has announced that Senator Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban will NOT be a part of the gun control bill set for debate next month.
The good news is that Feinstein’s ban will be left out; the bad news is that now, because this issue is no longer a part of the…
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This is Sunshine Week, national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information. Justice Louis Brandeis wrote," sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” And now more than ever we need to shine a bright light on the germs that have taken over Washington and are…
Obama Takes Away Guns
From American Heroes!
Due, in part, to the many faxes that Congressmen have received from you and other friends of, President Obama will not get all he wants, when it comes to all-out gun control! Thank you very much! So the administration has resorted to other desperate measures to TAKE…
Was Eric Holder hired to protect the law, or Barack Obama?
Fax Congress Now!
Charles Krauthammer has called Holder one of the “most incompetent attorneys general in U.S. history.” He has many strikes against him, but of course the most damning is his Operation Fast and Furious operation, which was nothing more than a sneaky…
For once, Congress actually did their job. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was killed when Americans expressed their disapproval of privacy violations, and the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was also shelved last year after negotiations broke down. Both pieces of legislation have names that sound positive but don’t be fooled--like many…
We were unable to get rid of his boss in November, but rogue Department of Justice head Eric Holder must go. America can have no justice with him in charge as Obama’s wingman. Was Eric Holder hired to protect the law, or Barack Obama?
Fax Congress Now!
The radical Eric Holder is in charge of…
“To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." -George Mason
We need overwhelming support right now in Washington for our Constitution and our Second Amendment.
On the first day of the 113th Congress, TEN NEW GUN BILLS were introduced, eight of them by Democrats seeking to enforce new regulations…
Under the leadership of House Speaker John Boehner, the 112th House of Representatives has increased our federal debt by approximately $18,944 for each American household.
Is this acceptable to you?
If you are serious about change in Washington—change we were not able to achieve with the last election on November 6th—then please join us in urging…
Do you drive a car?
Do you own a cell phone?
Do you use email?
The government and private companies want unlimited access to this data!
"Right now we're in an environment where there are no rules, there are no limits, there are no consequences and there is no transparency," said Lillie Coney, associate director of…
Click HERE to stop Congressional Democrats from destroying the 2nd Amendment rights from our brave veterans
President Obama’s second term hasn’t even started and he is already beginning his attack on gun rights in the United States. Conservative-Daily predicted this would during the campaign. We warned you time and time again that Obama would go on…