Amnesty for More Than One Million Illegal's … Including Criminals!
“We feel like the administration is against us and not against those who are violating our laws,” says Chris Crane, President of the National ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) Council.
Desperate to win re-election in November and unable to run on his dismal record, Obama continues to…
The Obama campaign, aided by the Democratic Party, are suing to restrict the voting rights of military members during this important presidential election.
Continuing with his administration’s tradition of suing U.S. states, on July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in Ohio to strike down…
On the heels of Obama’s infamously misguided and silly statement that “if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” comes word that the Democrats are planning to hold America hostage and enact TAXMAGEDDON on the American people,…
Alaskan Island "Giveaway" A Mixture Of Fact And Fiction
U.S. position should be strong but based on truth
Click here to fax Congress now!
In recent weeks, the blogosphere has been abuzz with names like Copper, Attou, and Sea Otter Rock. These refer to seven (in some reports eight) islands off the coast of Alaska,…
Two weeks ago we examined the potential impact that voter fraud could have in the coming 2012 Presidential elections (to view that article, click here: With your help, we have made Congress and the Obama Administration aware of the problem! Unfortunately, it would seem that liberals are so hot-to-trot to keep their…
It's time to DEMAND that the Obama Machine stop dodging the question! Click here to fax Congress now!
In 2008, American citizens voted to elect Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. as the United State’s 44th President. But questions regarding his birthplace have left many wondering if Barack Obama is even constitutionally eligible to be the President of the…