Accountability is up to us, America. Fax Congress; Demand Transparency and Accountability As the Gateway Pundit reported over the weekend: “...the tens of billions of dollars going to Ukraine were actually laundered back to the US to corrupt Democrats and elites using FTX cryptocurrency. Now the money is gone…
As Americans fixated on election malfeasance this week, the Department of Justice quietly dropped the charges against alleged Chinese spy and US election company CEO Eugene Yu. Demand Congress Abolish Electronic Voting Equipment! As a reminder, the exact language in the criminal complaint filed by Los Angeles County encapsulates the severity…
The establishment can no longer tell us that fraud that looks like fraud isn’t fraud, simply because they said so. They can no longer trot out liberal arts majors or lawyers with zero relevant expertise and call them “experts.” It worked in 2020, because we believed they knew what they were doing. We no longer…
“Our national claim to political incorruptibility is actually based on exactly the opposite argument … that wealthy men in assured positions will have no temptation to financial trickery.” - G.K. Chesterton What’s Wrong With the World (1910) Once again, the polls “got it wrong,” and we are meant to believe the establishment…
Today, millions of Americans will vote in person, on election day, showing photo identification. We are doing this because it is the appropriate way to protect “our democracy,” not because it’s legally required in many of our communities. You have a duty, and swore an oath, to protect the integrity of the electoral franchise, but…
I know I frequently mention the craziness of listening to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre invoke the Hatch Act to avoid answering questions while at the same time she openly and repeatedly campaigns for Democrats. To shake things up, for today’s briefing, I made you a short video to emphasize my point. …
The American Rescue Plan made us hostages to trillions in debt. The Inflation Reduction Act increased inflationary pressures, exacerbating the looming economic crisis created by pandemic policies and the CARES Act. You remember the CARES Act – that’s when they gave Americans $600 and spent billions on Pakistani Gender Programs and other obvious money laundering…
On Tuesday, Americans will go to the polls. I was driving around the front range on Friday, and was surprised to see so few campaign signs – for either side. We will not stand for rigged elections. Remember your oath. Here in Colorado, unaffiliated voters outnumber those affiliated with either party,…
As we reported in October, Representative James Comer (R-KY), who is in line to be the chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee when Republicans reclaim the House on Tuesday, has promised to investigate the Biden Crime Family. “The reason we’re investigating Hunter Biden is because we believe he’s compromised Joe Biden,”…
Since the government and corporations, but I repeat myself, have aligned to construct reality in their image, the lives of Americans have consistently degraded. The American Rescue Plan made us hostages to trillions in debt. The Inflation Reduction Act increased inflationary pressures, exacerbating the looming economic crisis created by pandemic policies and the…