Dear Valued Patriots,
The House is moving on Obamacare!
THIS IS AN URGENT ALERT. State exchanges will open on October 1st, in less than two weeks. Congress is making plans now to vote on defunding Obamacare. There is not a minute left to waste…now is the time to stop it, once and for all.
Dear Conservative,
This is, without a doubt, one of the most critical moments we have ever faced as a nation.
Republicans are playing games in Congress with Obamacare. Members like Eric Cantor and Pete Sessions are pretending to want to de-fund Obamacare, but they are doing absolutely NOTHING to get rid of it. Don’t fall…
Dear Concerned Conservative,
Are YOU living your life the way King Obama wants you to? He famously said in 2011, "We can't drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times…and then just expect every other country is going to…
Dear Freedom Loving American,
Syria is the ULTIMATE DISTRACTION when it comes to Obamacare. Obama is hoping his wavering foreign “policy” will distract Congress when they get back into session, and the fight to DE-FUND Obamacare will end.
We cannot let this happen!
Obama knows that Senators and Representatives went home to their districts in…
Dear Hard-working American,
American consumers and businesses are suffering under the heavy hand of the Obama administration and his assault on the American economy. He has done everything EXCEPT focus on the economy since he took office. Obama is acting as a dictator, and we face many threats from his large government takeovers. The Environmental…
Dear Conservative American,
The WASHINGTON POST is making fun of us.
They write, “Here’s something to keep an eye on as we enter the second half of the August recess: Will there be any grassroots outcry to speak of on behalf of the right’s push for a government shutdown to defund Obamacare, or will the…
The IRS is the “patrolling police” of Obamacare.
Dear Patriotic Conservative,
How would you feel if the IRS came knocking at your door? New allegations of absolute stonewalling of the congressional investigation have surfaced; all the while new harassing IRS letters are being mailed out to small business owners. Truth be told, if you…
Dear Conservative,
Healthcare is complicated. It has many moving parts and if you are anything like me; it’s confusing so you don’t understand what it means to you or your family. I don’t claim to know the answer, but I do know it is NOT AN UNPROVEN…
Dream 9 (named after the Dream Act), activists marching in their high school caps and gowns to protest.
Full-Blown Amnesty Still “Outside” the Law
Dear Thinking Conservative Friend,
While Congress has been on vacation back in their home districts during the month of August, they have received an “earful” from constituents at various Town-hall…
Dear Conservative American Citizen,
You have just been “left in the dust” by the Republican leadership in Congress.
THEY KNOW Obamacare is a terrible piece of legislation, and THEY KNOW it is going to harm America in many ways. So naturally, they don’t want any part of it.
Luckily for them, Obama agrees. He and…