Dear Conservative,
The IRS has fought tooth and nail to stall and hold out on surrendering Lois Lerner's emails to Congressional committees.
First, the IRS told Congress that it would take years to access and, if necessary, redact Lois Lerner's emails. Then, the administration tried to tell Congress what emails it could and couldn't have.
Dear Conservative,
By now you have probably heard how Representative Eric Cantor, the GOP House Majority Leader from Virginia, lost his primary to a relatively unknown challenger.
There is no way to fully explain how big of a deal this was. Cantor was the second-most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives. He…
Dear Conservative,
It is working! The ground swell against Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s anti-Second Amendment policies has forced Congress to intervene.
Operation Choke Point is the DOJ’s program of intimidating banks and credit agencies and “compelling” them to drop “high-risk” and “disreputable” merchants. As far as Eric Holder’s DOJ is concerned, a high-risk business…
Dear Conservative,
I would like to introduce you to Joseph Teson. Mr. Teson is 89 years old and a World War II veteran. He survived the amphibious landings on D-Day in Normandy and he fought for four years in Europe, pushing back Hitler’s forces. The man is a relic of what it used to mean…
Dear Conservative,
There is no doubt that corruption is rampant throughout Congress. Special interest groups and lobbyists buy votes by donating money to politicians' campaigns and in return, they get favorable legislation pushed through Congress. Every day, your voice is being drowned out by the lobbyists with bottomless checking accounts who are willing to…
Dear Conservative,
The Obama administration has just eliminated a prohibition on toll-collection on the interstate highway system.
Some portions of the interstate highway system do currently have tool booths on them. In many cases, these routes predate the interstate highway system. The New Jersey and Pennsylvania Turnpikes, for example, predate the federal prohibition on interstate…
Dear Conservative,
Members of Congress actually think they deserve a pay raise.
Ok, stop laughing. This is serious. Members of Congress really believe that their $174,000 salary isn’t enough to survive in Washington, D.C.
Representative Jim Moran (D-VA) may be retiring at the end of this session, however before he rides off into the…
Dear Conservative,
While all eyes are on Russia’s obvious violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, the Obama administration still remains hard at work illegally changing the unAffordable Care Act without going through Congress. In what will surely surprise no one, Barack Hussein Obama is altering the law once again so he can give away more taxpayer money…
Dear Conservative,
Barack Obama is at it again. He has asked Congress to cut the military spending, pay, and benefits, all in the name of “austerity.”
He must think you are an idiot. Here the President is talking about how America needs to “cut back,” when in reality, the military is the only thing Obama…
Dear Conservative,
Barack Obama is a lot of things… He is ignorant when it comes to foreign policy, he is a tyrant who has chosen to rule the country by executive fiat, and Barack Obama has a real knack for destroying American jobs. You see, Barack Hussein Obama thinks he has the “Midas Touch” when…