YOUR URGENT ATTENTION IS NEEDED: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has announced that a vote to repeal Obamacare will occur in the House next week.
The momentum toward repeal continues. Fax every single Member of Congress right now and tell them to vote for full repeal of Obama’s disastrous “Affordable” Health Care Act!
This week Congress has been debating the pros and cons of the Obama Budget that has FINALLY been produced (after all these years!)
Obviously, the federal government “GRAVY TRAIN” continues, no matter how it is presented! He plans to pay for many entitlements by the raising of new taxes, your taxes!
Please join the full-frontal assault against the Obama administration for taking away 20,000 jobs from Americans!!
Last weekend, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) appeared on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom with Bill Hemmer. Once again, he made the case for job creation through the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Speaker Boehner said:…
Congress can’t get out of its own way.
Nobody trusts what people on the Hill are doing, and it seems only a handful of representatives is intent on doing the “right thing.” Governing responsibly? Listening to the people? You would think the people who took an oath to do just that and uphold the Constitution…
On April 4, 2012, seven months before the Presidential election, Barack Obama signed the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act into law, barring insider trading on non-public information by Members of Congress and other government employees. Members trying to curry favor with their constituents almost unanimously supported it in Congress. Logically, it was the…
Democrats who helped to pass Obamacare are beginning to back off of their whole-hearted support of the socialistic “affordable” healthcare act especially those who are up for re-election.
But is there no shame in Congress? After passing the most irresponsible piece of legislation since World War Two, Congress is considering being EXEMPT from the ravages…
Click HERE to demand that S. 336 be defeated immediately
Here we go again. Tax and spend liberals and faux-conservatives are once again waging a war on prosperity. This time they are taking aim at small businesses and your wallet. This latest attack on the American the dream comes in the form of mandatory…
In one week alone, Obamacare champions Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) and Cheerleader-In-Chief Kathleen Sebelius, Health & Human Services Secretary, have described Obamacare as:
“Beyond comprehension”
Remember, folks: these are the people who claim its GOOD IDEA for America! And Sebelius is even going so far as to blame the GOP for…
Now is the time to let every single Member of Congress know that we are serious about repealing Obamacare, and they need to get on board with the wishes of American citizens. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) recently offered an amendment that would have prevented taxpayer-funded medical care for illegal immigrants—and it was defeated, 43 to…
At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Secretary General Maurice Strong announced, “...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class ‐ involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” And years later, Barack Obama supported that statement by warning…