Fellow Conservative,
He is risen!
Whether you are a practicing Christian or not, allow me to wish a Happy and Joyous Easter to you and yours.
Two millennia ago, Jesus of Nazareth died for our sins so that humanity could be redeemed. The Son of God came into this world as a man, lived as…
Conservative Issues
Fellow Conservative,
This is how it starts. This is exactly how it starts.
The Senate Judiciary Committee sent Obama a letter expressing their discontent and explaining that they would not be holding hearings on his Supreme Court nominee.
That should be the end of the story. We got them to hold the line. That should…
Fellow Conservative,
Hillary Clinton is going to prison. This is now getting out of control.
One of the ways that Congress protects against executive tyranny is through the creation of “Inspectors General.” They operate just far enough outside to not be controlled by the people they are charged with investigating.
We have known for months…
Fellow Conservative,
Do you know why Donald Trump is leading in every single poll? He tells it like it is. He has made a career of firing people who prove to be completely incompetent.
When a government employee commits a crime, or violates the public’s trust, he or she must be fired.
But under the…
Fellow Conservative,
When news broke that Planned Parenthood was caught selling body parts and organs from aborted children, I felt sick to my stomach. Watching Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical research, talk about dismembering unborn children while casually eating a salad was simply disgusting. But that just goes to show how little…
Fellow Conservative,
President Obama officially announced today that his administration has caved to the Islamic Republic of Iran. A nuclear deal has been finalized. Even though Congress has the power to vote the agreement down, Obama has promised to veto any legislation that derails this plan.
In 5 years, the conventional arms embargo against Iran…
Fellow Conservative,
This is what we have been waiting for. Congress is getting ready to file articles of impeachment. No, these won’t be against Barack Obama (though they would certainly be warranted).
The house is testing the waters to gauge support for impeaching IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.
I know what you’re probably thinking. Why impeach…
Fellow Conservative,
We are a week away from the Iran nuclear agreement deadline and the Iranian Parliament just passed a law prohibiting nuclear inspectors from entering Iranian military facilities.
The deal is dead. Without full access to Iran’s military buildings, it would be impossible to police the deal. The image above is a picture of…
Fellow Conservative,
The House of Representatives passed fast-track legislation for Obamatrade by just 10 votes. This legislation gives Obama the power to negotiate and write the trade agreement on his own Now, the legislation moves on to the Senate and you can rest assured that we will continue to fight this cancerous…
Fellow American,
The NRA is about to make a deal with the ATF that will be catastrophic!
Now, I want to preface this by saying I am a member of the National Rifle Association. After a few more monthly payments, I will become a Life Member and be able to vote for board members.