Dear Conservative Friend,
The cover-up continues!
It has been almost ONE ENTIRE YEAR since an American Ambassador and three State Department employees were brutally murdered.
Yet the cover-up resumes from the Obama administration!
On September 11, 2013, it will be ONE ENTIRE YEAR since the horrendous attack on the US Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya.…
Conservative Issues
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Obama has sanctioned the new global educational reform called “Common Core,” a United Nations-friendly curriculum that will end freedom and success in America. The curriculum is based on the “humans cause climate change” lie that Al Gore and his ilk are perpetually peddling. If you disagree with this theory you are likened…
Will anyone, anywhere, ever be held responsible for Benghazi?
Dear Conservative Friend,
It has been almost a year since Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other brave Americans were killed in the 9-11 attack in Benghazi. It took the FBI weeks to get to the scene and then TWO MORE MONTHS before the first person was…
Dear Proud American Citizen,
The academic world has always leaned Left, much like the media. Stories continually come out of colleges and universities where conservative students who dared challenge their professors were heckled, insulted or even failed.
It hasn’t always been a perfect world of balanced ideas in the classroom, but at least some room…
Hold Them ALL Accountable!
Dear Conservative Friend,
The Benghazi cover-up points all the way to the White House and we must keep the pressure on now while we are getting through the scandals, the cover-up and the diversions.
Let’s consider what we know:
We know that Susan Rice went on all the 5…
Obama Hides Benghazi Survivors!
Dear Conservative Friend,
The CIA is using pure intimidation in relationship to the revelation that up to 35 CIA agents were on the ground in Benghazi during the 9-11-12 attacks on the United States Embassy.
You have to ask why is the CIA, under the leadership of President Barack Obama,…
“The empirical evidence suggests that the Common Core will have little effect on American students' achievement." -- Brookings Institution
"Common Core's standards not only present a serious threat to state and local education authority, but also put academic quality at risk." -- Heritage Foundation Issue Brief, by University of Arkansas Education Reform Professor Sandra Stotsky
4 DEAD Patriots: NO “Phony” Scandal
Dear Conservative,
President Barack Obama has once again LIED about the Benghazi Embassy attack! During his campaigning last week, he called 4 dead American’s a “phony” scandal! Mr. President: 4 Dead Americans (including an Ambassador) is NOT a “phony” scandal! Remind Congress that you will not forget these…
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Like most liberty loving parents, I believe educational decisions are best made as close to home as possible. In April then, were you as surprised as me to see MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry argued that, "[W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or…
Feds Refuse to Prosecute IRS Cases!
Dear Patriotic Conservative,
Thursday the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a contentious hearing attempting to get to the bottom of the IRS scandals. Many thought Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) was going to take the scandal trail all the way to the White House. However, Issa backed off…