As soon as Dianne Feinstein introduced her latest gun ban bill, we warned that there were going to be plenty of Republican traitors and cowards who were going to join her.
We were right.
The House version of Feinstein's gun ban bill was introduced by Republican Congressman Carlos Curbelo (FL). He now has at least…
Congressional Alerts
Fellow American,
Our prayers go out to all of the victims of the Las Vegas shooting last night. Based on what we know so far, a 64-year-old man used an illegal fully-automatic rifle to open fire on a country music concert from his 32nd floor hotel room. As is our policy, we will not use…
Democratic Representative Al Green wants to impeach President Trump because of his comments regarding the National Football League. No, that is not a joke.
Not only that, but he is now promising to introduce a Privileged Resolution and force the House of Representatives to vote on whether or not to impeach President Trump.
Given everything that Democrats…
The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act just gained its 209th co-sponsor - Rep Karen Handel, the newest Congresswoman from Georgia. Do you know what that means?
We are now less than ten votes away from this passing!
The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would force states to treat concealed carry permits the same way they treat out-of-state…
Just when you think the Democrats have gone as low as they can, they surprise you ang go even lower.
Now, the latest demand from Democrats is to impeach President Donald Trump, not for any real reason mind you, but because Trump... uses Twitter.
That's right, the Democrats believe that Trump's use of Twitter makes…
Congress has once again proven that they care more about getting a tan than they do about getting the people's work done.
Do you remember when Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell swore from the rooftops that they would pass President Trump's agenda within the first 100 days? They promised healthcare reform, tax cuts, funding for a…
A growing number of Republicans are demanding that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell cancel Congress' vacation and force legislators to spend all of August in Washington DC passing the agenda the American people voted for.
You see, Congress is broken loosely into two camps: those who actually want to get things done and those who…
This morning, we awoke to news that a gunman had targeted GOP Members of Congress who were practicing for an upcoming charity baseball game. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was injured along with three others.
Police revealed the shooter to be James Hodgkinson from Illinois. He reportedly asked whether the Members of Congress on the…
After yesterday's Senate hearing, it is clear that someone is going to prison. It just won't be Donald Trump.
In yesterday's testimony, Comey admitted that President Trump was never under investigation and that Trump never ordered him to drop the Russia investigation. But Comey did admit to being involved in a number of crimes.
It has been 138 days (about four and a half months) since President Trump was inaugurated. What has Congress accomplished?
Sure, they've rolled back a number of Obama's executive orders using Congressional Review Act resolutions. But have they passed any major pieces of legislation?
The answer is no.
For years, Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate…