Dear Conservative,
Two years ago, Barack Obama and the ATF made a change to the way that Americans purchase firearms.
To buy a gun from a licensed gun shop, purchasers need to fill out what is known as a Form 4473. This is the background check form that is sent to the FBI for the so-called “instant”…
Civil Liberties
Dear Conservative,
On Monday, the Supreme Court dealt a major blow to Obamacare’s birth control mandate in the Hobby Lobby case. Hobby Lobby, an arts and crafts company, sued the government and argued that it was unconstitutional for Obamacare to force a religious business owner to provide abortion coverage to employees under Obamacare. And the…
Dear Conservative,
The House of Representatives is prepared to vote on an amendment TODAY that will expand firearm background checks and increase funding for the background check system so that it can incorporate more citizens’ medical records!
Representatives Peter King (R-NY) and Mike Thompson (D-CA) have drafted an amendment to an appropriations bill that would…
Dear Conservative,
The IRS Scandal shows just how far government will go to protect its own existence. When faced with the prospect of political defeat, Lois Lerner had her tax exempt division deliberately target and delay the applications of Conservative non-profit groups. The result was fewer Conservative groups being able to participate in the…
Dear Conservative,
The internet as we know it is officially dead.
This week, the leftist-dominated D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Net Neutrality regulations were unlawful.
Net Neutrality is the idea that information on the internet must be accessible to everyone equally. Previously, FCC regulations made it illegal for…
Dear Conservative,
Obamacare seems to be forcing everyone to buy something they don't want or don't need... The elderly are being forced to pay for pediatric coverage, men are being forced to carry maternity care, and healthy young people are being forced to overpay for insurance.
But all of this is just the beginning...
The Obama administration is…
Dear Conservative,
Do you think your police department needs a fighter jet? What about machine guns? Rocket launchers? A tank?
If you are like me, you probably laughed when you read that. Police in my town usually just direct traffic and pull people over for speeding. But when I drove past my police station the…
Dear Fellow Conservative,
Stop working and get on welfare!
That move will make a lot of sense once liberals enact their mileage tax. It will be prohibitive for you (and perhaps your spouse, as well) to make that 30 or 40 mile commute to and from work each day.
You won’t be able to “afford”…
Dear Concerned Conservative,
We’ve gotten a great deal of interest from you regarding the fundamental CHANGE in American Education called Common Core. We’ve always known that the academic world leans Left, just like the main-stream media. Now Obama’s agenda is aimed at trying to “shift our thinking” and change the American education system to help…
Dear Patriotic Conservative,
Your faxes caused a tremendous uproar in the United States Senate!
As you may not know, 50 United States Senators - both Republicans and Democrats - pleaded with President Barack Obama to stop the latest intrusion upon the Second Amendment!
Last week, those 50 U.S. Senators wrote a letter to President Barack Obama…