STOP The INVASION - We Must CLOSE the Border! The border crisis, or more aptly called the border invasion is getting out of hand, We the People and Congress MUST ACT NOW! We must use our voices as much as we can! This invasion, is a great threat to our…
Border Crisis
SECURE the BORDER! — Biden’s Open Border Crisis “Policy” Keeps Getting Messier This is an invasion — Our Congressional leaders have allowed Biden's open border policy to persist for far too long, and it is literally endangering our nation. Since Biden assumed office, over 7 million illegal immigrants have crossed…
BREAKING: Biden’s Auctioning of Taxpayer-Funded Border Wall Materials During President Donald Trump's presidency, he committed to securing our border – one of the ways was by building a wall! Biden, along with the rest of his border-resistant fools, declared that a border wall was not a serious immigration solution. And as part…