Two vulnerable Democrats announced yesterday that they would support legislation to fund the border wall!
Senators Joe Donnelly (D-IN) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) both came out and announced that they would vote yes on the House Conservatives' plan to approve 5 billion for the border wall.
They see the writing on the wall. Both of these Democrats are in states that Trump won… by a lot. This is all about political survival to them.
This is exactly what we have been talking about. There are enough vulnerable Democrats up for re-election to force real conservative legislation through. There is no reason that the border wall is not funded yet.
But the GOP leadership doesn't seem to care. They are still refusing to fund the border wall!
This isn't just happening in the Senate. Moderate Republicans are also feeling the heat.
Remember Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-KS)? He is the one who has been trying so hard to push secret amnesty amendments into the spending bills.
As the Chairman of the House Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee, Yoder has the power to almost unilaterally push through whatever amendments he wants. And that is exactly what he has been doing. Yoder has been holding "voice votes" on amnesty amendments. A voice vote means that a provision can pass through the subcommittee without needing to record how each Congressman voted.
He did this on an amendment to dangerously broaden US asylum law. Instead of having to prove they are a bona fide victim, migrants would be allowed into the US simply by claiming that their husband or wife beats them. No evidence… No proof… A simple domestic violence claim would qualify someone for asylum. Yoder also pushed through an amendment to restore Obama's catch and release policy to release hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into the United States.
We blew the whistle on Yoder's betrayal and bombarded his office with FaxBlasts. Yoder tried desperately to reverse course. He apologized and promised to try to undo what he had done.
Too late. Yoder only received 68% of the vote in Tuesday's primary. His race has now been shifted from "safe" to "toss-up."
Today, Yoder is scrambling to try to save face. He's promising to focus on the Conservative agenda and is now pushing through major legislation to fully fund President Trump's border wall.
Make no mistake: This is your doing. With your help, we have been hammering Yoder on his betrayal. People literally refused to vote for him in Tuesday's primary because of it.
Democrats are caving. Backstabbing Republicans are being forced to reverse course.
But the GOP establishment still refuses to approve the border wall funding!
Paul Ryan is demanding that Trump "be patient" and accept the GOP establishment's plan to block border wall funding. Mitch McConnell is also warning that the border wall might not be funded until after the midterm elections. He's saying it might even need to wait until next year.
Vulnerable Democrats are begging for an opportunity to vote for the border wall. Vulnerable Republicans are begging for a chance to vote for the border wall.
This week, Paul Ryan sat for an interview with the New York Times. He was asked point-blank whether he was still a never-Trumper.
"Sometimes, yeah," Ryan responded.
This is one of those 'sometimes.' We have a bill that would grant President Trump 5 billion for border wall construction next year. Paul Ryan is demanding that Congress approve only 1.6 billion, with next to none of it actually going to wall construction.
Ryan has been blocking the wall from being built for 18 months. With just a few months left before he retires, Ryan has promised liberals that he will stop border wall construction, no matter what.
We are up against the clock here. Ryan and McConnell are doing everything they can to strip the border wall funding from this year's spending package.
Now is not the time to give up. We are forcing the vulnerable Democrats and Republicans to surrender.
Now is the time to double-down and win this once and for all!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily