The Trump administration has been hard at work moving funding around. Earlier this year, the administration reported that it had enough funds to build just over 500 miles of border wall this year. Well, that just changed in a big way!
The Trump White House released its budget request and shocked everyone when they reduced the amount of funding requested for the border wall. But now, we have an explanation.
The Trump administration has now secured enough funding to build 1,000 miles of NEW border wall! President Trump literally just doubled the funding for the wall!
Democrats, of course, are furious. But what is really shocking is that Republicans are angry as well!
As you remember, there were two dozen GOPers who publicly voted with Democrats last year to pull the plug on the border wall funding. When Nancy Pelosi and the Left refused to authorize wall construction, President Trump used his lawful and Constitutional powers under the National Emergencies Act to declare a national emergency to move the funding around himself.
Democrats sued, but the Supreme Court ruled that the construction can move forward. But they refused to give up. The Left began pressuring Republicans to turn on the President and help them revoke Trump's national emergency (and cancel all wall construction).
In the end, Democrats were able to flip two dozen GOPers. They passed the legislation and sent it to Trump's desk (where it was promptly vetoed). Republicans warned the President, though, that if he continued to circumvent Congress and approve funding on his own, they would vote with Pelosi and the Democrats again.
Well, Trump defied the GOP. Instead of winding-down the border wall project, like they wanted, President Trump has now doubled its funding.
The US-Mexico border is 1,954 miles long. Trump's latest executive action will give the Department of Homeland Security the power to erect a border wall on over 80% of it!
That is why the Left is now mobilizing to put a stop to this!
President Trump promised Republicans in 2016 that he would teach them how to win. But the GOP just refuses to learn!
This is our chance to finally secure the border. For decades, Republicans and Democrats promised to build a wall and secure the border. But every time, they came close, the Establishments of both parties would kill the funding.
Democrats wanted to keep the border open in order to import new voters. Republicans wanted open borders to give their corporate donors access to more cheap labor.
They tried to block Donald Trump too. Paul Ryan spent three years blocking the border wall funding and when Nancy Pelosi took over the House, she did the same.
But Trump is still fighting. He declared a national emergency and secured the funding himself. Now, he has given the green light to build more than a thousand miles of new border wall. He is going to secure almost the entire border, all on his own!
Republicans are already lining up to stop him. They would rather no new border wall be built than dare allow Trump to do it on his own.
And unless you stop them, they are going to block the border wall project from moving forward!
Finish the fight!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily