Paul Ryan announced yesterday that he will be retiring at the end of his term. He saw the writing on the wall that he would not be re-elected as Speaker of the House.
Now, the clock is ticking. In just a few short months, Paul Ryan will be a memory and his liberal agendas will be gone with him.
Open border advocates are demanding that Ryan make good on his promise to grant full nationwide amnesty.
Ryan is going to make a final push to make Obama's DACA amnesty permanent. He dedicated the last year and a half to doing everything in his power to stop a border wall from being built. Now he wants to finish this!
Ryan has declared that in the time he has left, amnesty will be the "next big priority" in the House.
"To anyone who doubts my intention to solve this problem and bring up a DACA and immigration reform bill, do not," Ryan promised activists on the left.
Amnesty is going to be Paul Ryan's swan song, his final act before fading away into obscurity. As long as Paul Ryan holds the gavel, full amnesty is on the agenda.
President Trump was getting really bad advice on immigration. His advisors were pushing him to compromise. In the past month, he has kicked them to the curb, taken amnesty off the table, started border wall construction anyway, and even deployed the National Guard to help border patrol.
Yes, Paul Ryan is running for the exit. But he isn't retiring now. He is retiring at the end of his term, which is next January.
But Ryan isn't delaying. The GOP establishment is already working on an amnesty bill. If they can get all of the Democrats to sign on, then they need just 23 Republicans to pass it.
Right now, there are 15 Republicans who have already signed onto the Bridge Act, which is an amnesty bill. Add Paul Ryan and you can expect a dozen other GOPers to follow.
The fight is now. Do not let Paul Ryan and his allies push their amnesty bill through!
All in all, there are more than 30 Republicans retiring next year. They would rather leave Congress than be forced to do what they promised the voters. Already, they are challenging the President and Conservatives.
Jeff Flake is actually talking about impeaching Trump. A dozen Republicans have signed onto the Left's gun control bills. And now Paul Ryan is pushing complete amnesty.
The fight is now, whether we like it or not.