Fellow Conservative,
I can’t believe Obama is actually going to do it. The Associated Press is reporting that the Iran nuclear deal is finalized and will be announced as early as today.
The Obama administration has agreed to lift all Iranian economic sanctions. The Obama administration has also given up its demand for unfettered nuclear inspections. The foreign headlines read: “Iran deal done after major US concessions.”
This is unbelievable, especially given the fact that we just learned that Iran had been stealing/buying nuclear weapons technology and violating the sanctions up until just a month ago!
This is a bad deal! Rise up and DEMAND that Congress vote no on the Iran nuclear deal!
Iranian spies have been traveling the world purchasing and stealing nuclear weapons technology for months. This isn’t just me saying this. This is straight from Germany's intelligence service.
These spies were given two goals: acquire the technology to build the bomb and the technology to deliver a bomb. That’s why they have been going after nuke and ballistic missile technology simultaneously. Both technologies are forbidden under current sanctions.
One of Iran’s demands was that the West lift the embargo on missile technology. Why would we do that? So Iran can give up trying to steal it and just buy it openly?
Anyone with half a brain knows this is a horrible idea. But what is even more startling is that now that this news from German intelligence is out in the open, the Obama administration hasn’t said a thing.
Their whole narrative that Iran is peaceful and only interested in nuclear energy has been shot down. But not a word from Barack Obama or John Kerry. They are moving forward with this suicidal deal anyway. Not only that, but they are giving up the right to random nuclear inspections.
That means that nuclear inspections have to be announced. So, Iran can play 'hide the nuke' whenever IAEA inspectors come knocking.
This proves something we have suspected for a while. Obama and Kerry are only interested in building monuments to themselves. They don’t actually want to stop Iran from getting the bomb at all.
That’s the only explanation for the administration sweeping this latest news under the rug.
As I said, the Associated Press and other news sources are reporting that the deal could come as early as today.
Luckily for us, the Obama administration missed a key deadline. By blowing past the July 9th deadline, this now gives Congress twice as long to approve or reject the deal. But we don’t need that long. We know now for sure what we have known all along: neither Obama nor Iran can be trusted on this!
Right now, as we speak, Obama is sending the proposed agreement home for bureaucrats and lawmakers to look it over before the President makes the surrender official.
Meanwhile, the crowds in Iran are shouting “Death to America.” The only thing stopping them from achieving that goal and killing us is the fact that they don’t have a nuclear weapon yet. But if this suicidal deal goes through, they could be armed in a matter of months and have the missiles to strike us.
That is unacceptable. Luckily, Congress has the power to intervene. But it’s up to you to demand it.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily