Fellow Conservative,
This is something we all knew was happening. Suspected terrorists are coming across the Southern Border and not only is the Obama administration doing NOTHING about it, but Obama is forcing Border Patrol to let them go as “asylum seekers.”
This is not a joke and it is not an exaggeration. Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), the Congressman who has at the front line for fighting against amnesty, revealed that US Border Patrol recently caught a number of Pakistanis and Afghans and let them go.
A group of 5 Pakistanis and 1 Afghan climbed under our pitiful border fence and crossed into Arizona. They made it 15 miles before they were picked up by Border Patrol.
The agents ran the illegal aliens’ identities through the system and came up with nothing. Luckily, one of the agents had the idea to run the identities through the FBI database and… the Afghan they caught was known to have ties to terrorists.
Here’s the truly baffling part. They caught these six men – one of which had confirmed terror ties – and they released the five Pakistanis into the country as asylum seekers even though they also had family ties to the Taliban. Now, we have no idea where they are.
Obama’s just letting these people go. When asked why the Pakistani illegal aliens were immediately let go, Rep. Hunter replied that these illegal aliens were not considered a “priority” under Barack Obama’s border enforcement protocol.
Barack H. Obama is literally letting terror suspects into this country!
We are fighting a two-front war. Not only is Obama letting Middle Eastern illegal alien terror suspects across the Southern Border, but he is also flying them here directly through his refugee program.
Just this week, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announced that the administration was officially doubling down to bring 10,000+ unvetted Syrian refugees into the country by the Fall.
These are people that will have their background check processes expedited, faster than our government agencies can truly verify their identities and intentions.
It takes upwards of 24 months to truly vet a refugee coming from Syria. That’s not my number, by the way. That comes straight from the FBI. Obama, in pursuit of political correctness, is promising to reduce that 24-month process to just 3 months.
So not only is this President bringing unvetted Syrian refugees here through the legal process, but he’s letting them in illegally as well!
Rep. Duncan Hunter is one of the best we’ve got in Washington. He fought for Andrew Tahmooressi when he was imprisoned in Mexico. He led the charge to get Sgt. Charles Martland reinstated. He is also one of the lead advocates for stopping Obama’s deadly immigration policies.
Now, he is sponsoring HR1568, The Protecting Religious Minorities Persecuted by ISIS Act and he needs your help to get it passed!
This bill would force the Obama administration to prioritize Middle Eastern Christians and other ethnic minorities for resettlement into the United States.
And it’s absolutely common sense. These men and women are being terrorized. They’re being driven from their homes. Their houses and churches are being burned to the ground and ISIS is taking many of them into slavery.
Both Congress and the President declared that Genocide is taking place in Syria, yet this year, out of over 4,700 Syrian refugees that have entered the country, just TEN of them have been Christians.
We should be ashamed of what this President and his Cabinet are doing.
But shame isn’t enough. Shame doesn’t change policy. Shame doesn’t force Congress to act. Only your anger can!
We have to put a stop to this. We have Middle Eastern terror suspects pouring across the border. Our own FBI director has promised that Middle Eastern terrorists will slip through Obama’s expedited refugee process.
They aren’t even trying to hide their duplicitousness. They’re literally letting terrorists enter the country, both through the refugee program and across the Southern Border.
No one is saying that we shouldn’t have a heart. The United States has always opened its doors to help people around the world. But it is absolutely unacceptable that this President is bringing terror suspects here while Christians and other minorities are being slaughtered.
Silence will condemn these people to death. Please, do not stay silent.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily