The Obama White House has just issued an executive directive through the State Department reclassifying many of the illegal aliens who crossed the border in recent months as “refugees.” This will allow them to gain asylum and stay in the United States almost indefinitely!
This is just one of the many ways the President is living up to his promise to enact illegal alien amnesty! Piece by piece, the Obama administration is dismantling our immigration system and reclassifying illegal aliens who have snuck into the country as refugees.
On his own, Barack Obama has allocated a 4,000 refugee spots to these illegal aliens from Central America. Now, illegal aliens from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador who are currently in detention centers will have the option of applying for refugee/protected status!
This is absolute MADNESS!
We knew that this was coming. Back in July, I warned you that the Obama administration was going to allow illegal aliens from Honduras to avoid the treacherous trip across Central America and instead come to the United States as “refugees.”
That’s old news! Now, not only can these foreigners apply for refugee statuses at American embassies, but now those caught entering the United States illegally will also qualify for refugee status!
So let’s get this straight…
These are people who admittedly broke our laws when they illegally entered the United States. They have been processed and held in detention centers awaiting a deportation proceeding…
And what has Obama done? He has circumvented our criminal justice system and offered these illegals refugee status!
This makes me sick to my stomach…
What the Obama administration is doing is just shameful. Listen, I recognize that life is hard in Central America. I have been to the area many times and recognize the hardships that these people face. But hardship isn’t enough to be a refugee!
Not liking where you live isn’t enough to qualify as a refugee. These people aren’t fleeing war, famine, disease, or genocide… they are fleeing because they just don’t like their countries!
What Obama is doing is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!
These people aren’t refugees… they’re invaders! And for Barack Obama to redefine them as refugees to meet his own political agenda is shameful!
I’m out! I refuse to just sit back and watch this happen! Members of Congress are out campaigning for re-election, making every promise known to man in order to gain your vote.
You need to let them know that the only way to gain your vote is for them to STOP this unlawful President! They need to understand that they will lose their re-election bid unless they stand up to Obama right now!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily