Fellow Conservative,
Boehner did it. He just completely caved to Obama’s amnesty executive actions.
He promised us that he would stand his ground. When we were telling him to defund the amnesty last year, he said that the only way it would work would be to take the fight to the battle over Department of Homeland Security’s funding.
Early this morning, Speaker Boehner told his party during a meeting that he would allow a “clean” bill to come to a vote in the House as early as TODAY!
That means that after all this, after everything we’ve fought for… Boehner is just going to do what he always does: surrender! He is going to completely fund Obama's unconstitutional amnesty program.
It’s time to do what we should have done months ago. Remove Boehner from power!
Demand that Congress REMOVE Boehner from power and stop Obama's amnesty once and for all!
Boehner did everything he had to do to quell the calls for mutiny last week. He even went so far as to blow kisses at reporters during a press conference.
But it just goes to show that a RINO can’t change his stripes.
Boehner says that he simply can’t risk an attack against this country. Really? Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson even admitted that essential employees would stay on the job.
No, what John Boehner is doing is treason. Not only is he giving his stamp of approval to the President’s illegal and unconstitutional amnesty bureaucracy, but he is spitting in the face of every Conservative in this country.
While we were at CPAC this past week, we had the privilege of listening to Mark Levin speak. And this is what he said: “In order to defeat Democrats, we have to defeat Republicans.”
Those words were never truer than now.
This is your absolute LAST chance! The White House has already started referring to illegals as 'Americans-in-waiting.' If we don’t take a stand right now, illegal aliens could start getting social security cards as early as next week!
Tell Congress to remove Boehner from power and STOP Obama’s amnesty before it's too late!
The Republicans have abandoned every single principle and promise they made during the election. These spineless cowards have once again shown that they are unwilling to stand on principle and do what is necessary to defend this Republic.
Removing John Boehner from power won’t solve all of the issues we face. But it would be an excellent start. Removing him from power would ensure that we never have to deal with something like this again.
All week, people have been telling me to expect Boehner to surrender. And all week, I didn’t want to believe them. Well, I was proven wrong.
Boehner is a coward. All he had to do was put on his best poker face and wait for the Democrats to cave. Instead, he is waving a white flag of surrender and promising to give Obama every penny he asked for to implement his amnesty.
By the end of the day, we could see a vote on a bill to fund Obama’s amnesty. You can’t let that happen!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily