President Trump actually did it. He has ordered the State Department to cut ALL foreign aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
State Department Officials were already holding back 675 million from 2017-18 funding. This new order will cut another half billion, bringing the total to just over a billion in foreign aid cuts.
The reason for this is simple: these countries are aiding and abetting the caravans that are overloading our border patrol agents. President Trump threatened to slash all of their foreign aid if they didn't stop illegal aliens from marching north to the United States.
These countries thought they could call Pres. Trump's bluff. Oh boy, were they wrong…
According to White House sources, Mexico's foreign aid is next on the chopping block. On top of that, the President is planning an order for next week to close the Southern Border completely if Mexico doesn't halt this illegal alien invasion…
The Republican establishment is furious. They had negotiated with Nancy Pelosi to increase foreign aid to Central America instead of funding the border wall. Now, not only has President Trump declared the national emergency to build the wall anyway, but he has cut off the foreign aid to these countries too!
After visiting Central America earlier this year, Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX) came back with a radical plan. Instead of funding a border wall, he said that Congress should increase foreign aid to Central America instead.
"I'm just even more convinced that [border wall funding] would be better spent with some of these existing programs, and we'd see a quicker decrease in drugs and illegal immigration… And we shouldn't be looking at reducing foreign aid into Central America because many of these programs that we're doing can be scaled and are addressing the root causes of illegal immigration."
How insane does someone have to be to think that increasing foreign aid will do more to stop illegal immigration than border security?
In the last decade we have given El Salvador 1.15 billion in foreign aid. What do we have to show for it? Today, 20 percent of all Salvadorans live in the United States, and that is only increasing.
Congressman Hurd worked directly with Nancy Pelosi to increase foreign aid in this year's spending package instead of funding the wall. With one order, President Trump just cut it all.
Now, Democrats and Republicans are fighting back and trying to force President Trump to disburse the aid funding as intended.
You MUST stop them!
President Trump is doing everything he possibly can to secure the border. He declared the national emergency to reprogram billions so the wall can go up. He has deployed national guard and military assets to the border.
This week, he is preparing to shut the border down entirely if the new 'Mother of All Caravans' is not halted. And as of yesterday, the State Department has been ordered to suspend all foreign aid disbursement to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
The establishment is seeing their immigration dreams slip away. While they don't have the votes to override Trump and stop the wall, Pelosi believes there are enough Republicans to restart these foreign aid disbursements.
And she want to hold a vote in the next week!
Don't let the Democrats and Republicans give your hard earned taxdol lars to the countries that are literally helping these illegal alien caravans invade the United States!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily