Last month, President Trump announced that he was suspending all aid funding to the United Nations' World Health Organization. The WHO lied about the virus. They believed China's claim that the virus couldn't be spread person-to-person and when Taiwan sent them evidence that China was lying, the WHO ignored them. You see, the World Health Organization refuses to recognize Taiwan as a country since China still contends that Taiwan is part of China. Countless lives were lost because the WHO cared more about keeping China happy than protecting the globe. And this is just one example…
President Trump sent the United Nations a letter last week, threatening to make his funding suspension permanent unless the WHO reformed. He gave them a 30-day deadline to reform.
The World Health Organization rejected the President's deadline, refused to remove their corrupt director, and required that the investigation into the WHO's handling of the virus include China. They spit in Trump's face. And to top it all off, they added language to the resolution supporting "family planning" and "reproductive health" during the pandemic, aka abortion.
Why did the World Health Organization defy Trump? The United Nations and WHO have been having behind the scenes discussions with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, who have promised to restore every cent of funding that Trump cuts!
It was only a couple months ago that Nancy Pelosi flew to Spain to attend the United Nations' climate conference. As we explained at the time, Pelosi broke the law by telling countries to ignore the President and negotiate with her instead. Ironically, she violated the same law — the Logan Act — that was used to investigate Michael Flynn…
Well, Pelosi and the democrats are doing it again. They are working with the United Nations and the World Health Organization to get the funding that Trump cut restored.
That is why the WHO is ignoring Trump's demands. The globalists are trusting Pelosi to pull the rug out from under the President and disburse the funding anyway!
Don't think this is possible? Remember when Democrats stalled for a week and refused to allow the first big stimulus bill to pass? They used that week-long delay to pressure Republicans into adding foreign aid to the bill. The GOP caved and agreed to over 760 million in foreign aid, including additional funding to the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
Republicans already caved once to the Left's WHO funding demands. Pelosi and the Democrats simply want to force them to surrender again…
Instead of propping up the pro-China World Health Organization, Trump has re-routed the 500 million in funding to American organizations dedicated to helping the American people. He literally pulled the UN/WHO funding and funneled it into America First organizations.
But if Pelosi gets her way, not only will the World Health Organization and United Nations see their funding restored, but her plan would actually increase WHO funding to its highest level ever!
When Trump closed our borders, the WHO called him a racist. When Trump announced his funding suspension, the WHO essentially accused him of genocide.
The WHO has encouraged governments to actually remove children and family members from homes when parents test positive for the coronavirus, a practice now being floated by Democrat states. The World Health Organization believes that civil rights should take a backseat.
And from the very beginning, the WHO has been helping China cover up the origins of the pandemic.
All Trump is saying is that if the WHO wants to do this, then they need to do so without American funding.
Radical Democrats, however, believe we should send these globalists more funding. And Pelosi is putting the money where her mouth is. Democrats are now insisting that the Phase Four stimulus bill include a restoration of, and increase in, WHO foreign aid.
We can stop this. We can ensure that President Trump's cuts to the United Nations and World Health Organization become permanent.
But we need your help to do it!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily