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Breaking: Congress Voting Tomorrow on Trump’s Border Wall Bill!

Over the weekend, President Trump announced a compromise plan to get the border wall and border security funding that the country so desperately needs.

Trump put out an incredibly generous offer to the Democrats. In exchange for the full 5.7 billion in border wall funding, as well as hundreds of millions to set up new technology at the border and hire agents and immigration judges, Trump offered to delay the deportation of 700k illegal alien for three years.

Personally, I don't think that we should ever have to compromise on the enforcement of our immigration laws in order to secure the border. But this isn't amnesty. This is not bestowing any additional benefits or citizenship on these illegal aliens. It is simply agreeing not to deport them for three more years.

What Trump did is offer a pretty cut and dry trade: He offered to sign the Bridge Act into law in exchange for his border wall and border security funding.

I decided to wait and see how the Left reacted before I got angry at Trump. I knew that if they refused to support this proposal — a compromise bill that the Left itself had created — then this would just open the door for Trump to declare the emergency and build the wall himself.

For goodness' sake, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, and Kirsten Gillibrand have all co-sponsored this legislation!

Not surprisingly, every single one of them told Trump that this wasn't enough! Nancy Pelosi came out and said 'no deal' before Trump had even announced what the offer was!

Congress is voting on the President's proposal tomorrow and already, Establishment Dems and RINOs are already trying to water the bill down. Don't let them!

Don't let the GOP give citizenship to illegals! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress before it's too late and DEMAND that they kill these leftist amendments immediately!

Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) — who is running for President — declared that offering the Bridge Act, a bill she wrote, is a "bad deal." Durbin (D-IL) said he "cannot support" the compromise as written, even though he helped write the bill last year.

Harris, Schumer, and Feinstein also declared that this deal wasn't good enough.

Mitch McConnell is scheduling the vote for tomorrow. House Republicans are also planning to use a discharge petition to bypass Pelosi and force a vote on the floor.

There are three possible outcomes: 

(1) The bill passes and in exchange for not deporting these illegals for another 3 years, we get to finally secure the border.

(2) The bill fails and Donald Trump declares a national emergency to build the wall and secure the border without compromising anything.

We can stomach either of those. But option three is where it truly gets dangerous:

(3) Democrats demand more, increasing the amnesty for illegals and decreasing the border security investment.

Already, we are hearing the Left demand a pathway to citizenship in the deal. They are demanding that we give illegal aliens citizenship in order to get partial funding to secure the border.

I don't have to explain any more to you just how dangerous this is. 

President Trump laid his trap perfectly, offering to sign the Left's own Bridge Act in exchange for the funding. If they refuse, then the President has the cover to declare the national emergency.

But you CANNOT let the Rinos in Congress give up anything else!

Don't let the GOP give citizenship to illegals! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress before it's too late and DEMAND that they kill these leftist amendments immediately!

The bill will hit the floor tomorrow. Since it won't go through regular order, there is going to be a frenzy as Democrats and liberal Republicans try to attach more 'compromise' amendments.

They want full citizenship. They want to include millions more illegals in the proposal. They want to make the amnesty permanent, as opposed to just delaying deportations for three years. And they want to water down the border wall funding to remove funding for any new border barrier construction. Their plan would only allow funding to be used to repair existing fences…

This is unacceptable.

President Trump has set this up perfectly. Either he gets what he wants or gets the political cover to build the wall on his own using emergency funds.

He has gotten us to this point, but it is up to YOU to make sure that the GOP doesn't cave and offer up a pathway to citizenship!

Don't let the GOP give citizenship to illegals! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress before it's too late and DEMAND that they kill these leftist amendments immediately!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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