The Arizona hand-count portion of the audit is over. Now, the audit is moving into the next phase: investigating irregularities.
One of the Maricopa Audit’s liaisons made waves this week when he explained just what this would look like. Investigators will go door to door to verify voters’ identities and that they did actually vote. One of the examples the liaison mentioned was “52 ballots submitted from a 2-bedroom house.”
When I was in grad school, I did door-to-door canvassing and I came across houses like this. They absolutely do exist. Now, the Arizona auditors are going to root them out.
This was a line that the Biden administration warned the auditors not to cross. The DOJ’s Civil Rights Division has now warned Arizona that if they dared go door-to-door, they will shut the audit down.
Well, now we have reached that crossroad and the fight is coming!
The next state to audit their election results looks like it will be Pennsylvania. This has leftists terrified. They know that their lie is crumbling down around them.
Like a cornered animal, this is when the Left is the most dangerous…
We have heard reports that the Biden administration has already dispatched DOJ lawyers to Arizona and other swing states so they can shut down the audits at a moment’s notice.
Their reasoning would be hilarious if they weren’t serious… The Biden DOJ claims that if an auditor goes door to door to verify voters’ identities, that would constitute an attempt to “intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote,” which is a crime under Federal law.
“Past experience with similar investigative efforts around the country has raised concerns that they can be directed at minority voters, which potentially can implicate the anti-intimidation prohibitions of the Voting Rights Act,” the DOJ warned the Arizona Senate.
Yes, you read that correctly… The Biden administration claims that door-to-door canvassing as part of an election audit is now racist and illegal! This is the rationale that Biden will use to shut down the audits. He will claim that the audits themselves are racist.
The Elections Clause of the Constitution is very clear:
“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.”
Only Congress and the state legislatures have any say over how elections are conducted. The Department of (in)Justice has no authority to shut down legal and constitutional audits. Period. Biden, however, doesn’t seem to care…
It is amazing that the Leftists who claim the 2020 election was the most secure election ever all seem to be complaining the loudest about the Arizona audit (and doing everything they can to shut it down). Now that Pennsylvania is preparing its own audit, they are rushing to shut these audits down before the fraud can be revealed to the world.
You MUST stop them!
We have been hearing from Arizona sources for weeks that they did find fraud. The latest admission from an audit liaison that they found 52 people voting out of a single home is just the tip of the iceberg.
There were more than a dozen states that sent legislators to Arizona to tour the floor of the Maricopa audit. They were there to learn how the audit was being conducted so those other states could launch their own forensic audits.
The Colorado Secretary of State is so convinced that her state’s election was legitimate that she just banned forensic audits. That’s right, she has unilaterally outlawed 3rd Party election audits in the state of Colorado. When Leftists begin outlawing audits, you know we are right above the target…
The fraud is being uncovered. More states are moving to audit their elections. This explains why Democrats are trying so hard to shut it all down!
The Biden DOJ is pre-positioning assets in these states so they can quickly shut down these audits. They are so terrified of what the audits will find, they are scrambling to shut them down for bogus “civil rights” violations.
What Biden is doing is illegal, unconstitutional, and must be stopped!
Fight for what is right!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily