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Breaking: 2nd GOPer Caves, Agrees Not To Fill Supreme Court Vacancy

President Trump has confirmed that he will issue a Supreme Court nomination THIS WEEK and that he will most likely nominate a woman to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. At the top of the short list is Amy Coney Barrett, a rock solid conservative who, at just 40 years of age, would be on the Supreme Court for decades.

The Constitution is clear. The President has the obligation to fill the vacancy and, considering that the Senate actually 

We warned you that GOPers were lining up to stab conservatives in the back. Unfortunately, we were right…

Yesterday, Lisa Murkowski (AK) was the only Republican on record saying she wanted to keep the seat on the Supreme Court open. Her reasoning? "Fair is fair," Murkowski explained. She believes it is "fair" for the anti-gun, anti-life, legislate-from-the-bench Democrats to get to fill the Supreme Court vacancy…

But she isn't the only Republican who has lost their mind. Susan Collins followed yesterday by announcing that she opposes filling the seat until a "new" President is inaugurated.

This was apparently Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'dying wish:' that her vacancy only be filled when a "new President" is sworn in. These cowards want to honor it.

It only takes 4 GOP flips in order to block Trump's Supreme Court nominee and in just 24 hours, we are already halfway there…

Two GOP traitors are already siding with Democrats! Don't let the Republicans stab you in the back on the Supreme Court! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they fill this vacant Supreme Court seat before the election, by any means necessary!

We cannot risk going into the election with just an 8-Justice Supreme Court. Democrats are already promising to challenge the election results if Biden loses. They have hired more than 800 election lawyers around the country to challenge election results and ballots. In 2000, the Supreme Court was forced to ultimately decide the Presidency by ruling on ballot challenges in Florida. That ruling was ultimately 5-4.

Without a 9th Justice on the bench, we run the real risk of a deadlocked Court being unable to decide election challenges. Without a 9th Justice, this country will be thrown into a constitutional crisis.

There is also the issue of the cases coming before the Supreme Court this fall. Starting this month, the Supreme Court's Justices will begin meeting behind closed doors to decide which cases to hear. Starting in December, the Supreme Court will begin hearing cases. There are big cases involving the 2nd Amendment, abortion, government overreach, and religious freedom that have been making their way through the lower courts for years. Without that 9th Justice, we run the risk of those cases being postponed or radical lower court rulings being left in place because the Supreme Court is deadlocked.

But here is perhaps the most important reason to fill the seat: it would rob Chief Justice John Roberts of his swing vote. While he was confirmed as a conservative, we have seen Justice Roberts swing wildly to the left in recent years. He has cast the deciding "swing" vote in a number of controversial cases, each time siding with the Far Left. Adding another conservative to the bench will create a 6-3 conservative majority. That means that even if John Roberts flips and votes with the Leftists, the conservative side would still win the day.

For all these reasons, it is absolutely essential that Trump fill this seat. We have a chance to finally flip the Supreme Court and put a stop to the radical leftist rulings that have plagued this country for years. But like clockwork, the GOP is starting to get cold feet.

It is up to YOU to strike fear in Democrats and GOPers alike and FORCE them to fill the seat!

Two GOPers have now flipped! Don't let the Republicans stab you in the back on the Supreme Court! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they fill this vacant Supreme Court seat before the election, by any means necessary!

Yes, we need to strike fear in the hearts of cowardly Republicans. But we also need to put pressure on moderate Democrats as well. Yes, they still do exist. 

Senator Joe Manchin represents West Virginia. He ran on a promise that he would be a moderate legislator. He is going to have a lot of explaining to do if he votes to keep the seat open so that, potentially, a radical leftist can be elevated to the highest court. Then there is Alabama Senator Doug Jones, a Democrat running for re-election in Alabama in this fall. Does anyone seriously believe a Democrat can win in Alabama if he votes against a conservative Supreme Court nominee?

And yes, there are GOP cowards who need to be reined in. Murkowski and Collins have already said they would oppose filling the seat. It is important to know that they have not said they would vote against the nominee, only that they would prefer a nominee not be confirmed.

We were worried about Lindsey Graham because he explicitly promised that if a vacancy arose, he would not fill it in 2020. We are happy to report that he has walked back that promise, which is very important since he is the chairman of the Judiciary Committee…

But there are also other Republicans considering flipping. Lamar Alexander (TN) is retiring at the end of the year. He is a lame duck Senator and had previously promised not to fill an election year vacancy. There's also Mitt Romney, the only GOPer to vote to convict Trump during the impeachment proceedings. There were rumors that Romney was going to come out against filling the seat, though his Communications Director promises that isn't the case.

The point is that we are dealing with a razor thin margin. If two more GOPers flip, it is over.

That is why you MUST put maximum pressure on these cowards!

Two GOP traitors are already siding with Democrats! Don't let the Republicans stab you in the back on the Supreme Court! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they fill this vacant Supreme Court seat before the election, by any means necessary!

Fight with everything you've got!

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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