It is starting to happen. The Republican Party is beginning to cave to the Left's gun control demands.
Rep. Francis Rooney, a Republican from Florida, went on MSNBC and declared that he was ready to support gun control. "Some freedoms are going to have to be given up," Rooney admitted to the host.
Why are Republicans caving on the 2nd Amendment? Well, in part, because their donors are demanding it. Al Hoffman Jr. is a wealthy real estate developer who has become a major GOP donor. He donated a million to Jeb Bush's failed Presidential run.
He came out yesterday and declared he wouldn't donate any more until the Republicans passed a gun ban. He sent the email to the GOP, announcing that he "will not write another check unless they all support a ban on assault weapons."
It's no coincidence that these GOP cowards are already running scared from their pro-2nd Amendment promises.
The cave is happening right now. If Democrats get just a few more of these Republican turncoats, they can force a vote on the largest gun ban in American history!
All of this is made even more terrifying by the pledge coming from the GOP and the White House to "do something" in response to this tragic shooting.
For Democrats, "doing something" has always been code for taking Americans' guns away. Dianne Feinstein tried that back in 1994. She admitted that her plan was to force American gun owners to "turn them all in," but she fell just short of the votes.
We are facing a perfect storm right now. Democrats are uniting to push for gun control. Republicans — both establishment and conservative — are meeting to devise a gun control plan. The donor class is threatening to pull funding from Congressional Republicans in case they act. Even Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are getting involved to push for nationwide gun control and disarmament.
The enemies are literally at the gates. Together, we have stood side by side and fought back these attempts to curtail our Constitutional rights.
When Barack Obama tried to implement a social security gun ban, we rallied Conservatives from around the country and sent more than four million FaxBlasts to Congress demanding that they stop it. One of Congress' first actions after Trump took office was to repeal that horrible gun ban.
The same happened when the Obama administration tried to target the ammunition industry, by banning ammunition outright and heavily regulating the ammo components. We blew the whistle on this — faster than even the NRA — and pressured Congress into forcing the administration to stand down.
For most of the Obama Presidency, our organization has stood for the 2nd Amendment and rallied millions of likeminded Conservatives to the cause. We have halted gun control efforts in their tracks and shamed the GOP into honoring their oaths.
It is easy to believe that we are out of the woods now that Trump is President, but we are not.
Ronald Reagan used to say that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Unfortunately today, it is never more than one vote away from being lost forever.
As a Constitutional Conservative, you are the bulwark that defends the 2nd Amendment from those who wish to dismantle it. You are the Bill of Rights' last defender.
Gun control advocates work tirelessly to infringe on your right to keep and bear arms. They take advantage of every tragedy to move closer and closer to their ultimate goal.
After the Congressional baseball shooting, the GOP ran away from their promise to pass pro-gun legislation.
After the Las Vegas shooting, the Left actually pressured the GOP into considering gun control. We smacked them back down, but the Republican leadership actually was discussing a gun control package.
Now, after the Florida shooting, we have Republicans admitting that Americans will simply have to give up some of their rights.
We cannot afford to wait this out. The time to fight is now!
Stop this treachery before it's too late.